Singularity test to locate desync issues part II - We still need your help! | EVE Online

Singularity test to locate desync issues part II - We still need your help!

2007-11-14 - By Svarthol

This Friday, at 11.00 GMT, we will perform another test to try to locate the root of the desync issue. The test will take place on our Singularity server and we will assault a Starbase again in order to run these tests. We will gather in FD-MLJ and ask you to join the in-game channel 'Starbase Assault'.

If you wish to participate in this test, please download the latest Singularity client here. Before you log in, make sure you have the logserver from your EVE directory running and that you add the following line to your prefs.ini file in your cache folder for your Singularity client:


This is a temporary setting that we are using to help us find the error.

We'd like to thank everyone in advance for helping us. Discussion of this news item may be found in this forum thread.