Subwarp Racing Venture Holds Public Event | EVE Online

Subwarp Racing Venture Holds Public Event

2010-04-10 - By Svarthol

Juunigaishi, The Citadel – on Saturday, April 10, Subwarp Racing Venture will be holding a public event which will include lessons, races and flying formation displays.

Capsuleers can attend the event free of charge and can use their fleet finder to join the correct fleet at the race track. A program of events is available for spectators with more details on the event.

Erik Finnegan, a member of the flight display team, explained that there will be lessons on how to effectively pilot your vessel, a drag race, "new comer" races which anyone can take part in, and a formation flight show of frigates flying in various shapes.

The event organiser and founder of the Subwarp Racing Venture, Julius Rigel, spoke briefly about the "new comers" races: "During the convention there will be a newcomers race, exclusive to pilots that have not participated in one of the season races before, it's free to participate, unrestricted as far as equipment goes, and there are a few prizes waiting at the finish line."

In addition to the planned events, Erik Finnegan states that the third monthly race of the "Subwarp Racing Venture Season" will also be held.

Julius Rigel said he organised the event to help educate the public about subwarp racing; "I hope participants at the convention will learn to appreciate that you can pilot your ship manually and that you don't need to rely on your autopilot all the time"

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