The Second Live Dev Blog on Thursday, May 10, 20.00 GMT
The topic of the second Live Dev Blog will be the backstory of EVE. We will have Gnauton - the boss of everything storyline related, Abraxas - writer extraordinaire of EVE Chronicles, Ginger - events expert and of course the lovely Eris Discordia - ruler of everything that is pink. These four will sit down and discuss the dark tone and gritty style of the backstory, the future of events and fiction and of course they will answer your questions!
Whether you're a role-player, non role-player or simply a big Eris Discordia fan, we promise that this is a Live Dev Blog you don't want to miss! Get something to drink, make yourself comfortable, make sure you have EVE Voice switched on and join the "Live Dev Chat" channel in game for a magical evening of backstory and pink in general!
To listen in you will need to be in the "Live Dev Blog" channel in-game and have EVE Voice activated on your account. Please head over to the Live Dev Blog - Rules and Guidelines thread on the forums to read more about the Live Dev Blogs.
You can also discuss the second Live Dev Blog in this forum thread.