Patch notes for Crucible 1.6 | EVE Online

Patch notes for Crucible 1.6

2012-03-28 - Por CCP Navigator

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.5

To be released on Thursday, April 12, 2012.


  • An issue with selectable links in chat channels on non-English clients has been fixed.

  • The overview will now respect font size settings when localization tooltips are turned on.

  • A text size issue on the character creator bloodline screen has been fixed in the Japanese client.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.4

To be released on Wednesday, April 4, 2012.


User Interface

  • Character skills are now easier to find as they are alphabetical in the client language.

  • Additional [] symbols removed from corp and alliance categories in Eve-Mail window.

  • Overview font now has a greater variation between large and small font (when not using tooltips!).

  • Agents now correcly update your journal with mission expiry date (and time if same day).

  • Some stations and names (50 characters long) are no longer skipped by searches.

  • The search field will now prioritize exact matches so that corporations using a very common term in their name will be searchable in Contracts and People & Places.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.3

Released on Tuesday, April 3, 2012.



  • Several translations were fixed.

  • UI improvements for the Japanese Client to correctly display buttons with Japanese text.

User Interface

  • You can now add a station as a waypoint or set it as a destination via the In Game Browser.

World Shaping

  • Pax Amarria is back in print, now using an optimized production process.


  • Pilots with a Global Criminal Countdown in high security space will be prevented from warping (if they are in any ship other than a capsule). This is to prevent a tactic declared to be an exploit recently.

  • Improved the clock synchronization of the client.

  • Fixed several client crashes.

  • New Eden has become a better place by fixing an exploit.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.2

Released on Friday, March 30, 2012.


User Interface

  • Formatting issues in EVE Mails have been resolved in the English client.

  • An issue with the error message when attempting to put too much fuel into a POS has been resolved.

  • In the agent conversation window, an incorrect marker for bilingual functionality has been removed.

  • An issue with NPCs and Large Collidable Objects showing the wrong names on the overview has been resolved.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.1

Released on Thursday, March 29, 2012.


User Interface

  • It is now possible to send mails to mailing lists that contain more than one word in their name.

  • The “Declare War” vote picker is now formatted correctly.

  • It is now possible to change the market filter with tooltips being activated.


  • An issue with moons and asteroid belts not displaying correctly on the overview has been resolved for the Russian and German client.

  • The search in the World Map Control Panel is working correctly now in the localized clients.

  • In the Japanese client the universe dropdown list in the system browser is now displaying correctly.


  • An issue with search queries queuing up when the search server goes down has been resolved.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6

To be released Wednesday, March 28, 2012.



  • A  full Japanese client for EVE Online is now available and joins German and Russian as our third fully localized client on Tranquility.


User Interface

  • It is no longer necessary to select the search type in People & Places.

  • It is possible to search for exact matches in People & Places.

  • Wallet divisions now allow Unicode characters for naming.

Weapons, Ammunition and Implants

  • All Kinetic missiles now have the name ‘Scourge’ back.

  • Three classes of missile launcher have been renamed to better indicate the type of missile they fit. Assault Missile Launchers are now Rapid Light Missile Launchers, Standard Launchers are now Light Missile Launchers and Siege Launchers have become Torpedo Launchers.

  • Zainou 'Gypsy' Turret Destabilization TD-90x renamed to Zainou 'Gypsy' Weapon Disruption WD-90x.


  • In the localized clients, bilingual search can be conducted.

  • Players can choose to see translations of important names in tooltips on the localized clients.

  • Players can choose to have important names marked on the localized clients.

  • Players can choose to display a column with the English mission titles on the localized clients.

  • Players can choose if they want to see important names in English or translated on the localized clients.

  • The starmap can now be viewed in a fully localized format.

Corporation & Alliance

  • Corporations can now name divisions using unicode characters.

World Shaping

  • Stargates are now named solely for their destination. This means it will now display 'Destination' rather than 'Stargate(destination)'.


Agents & Missions

  • The 'Spy Stash' mission description now displays correctly.

  • Research agents now properly berate you for trying to research too many things. Research ALL THE THINGS.

User Interface

  • It is no longer possible to use font, fontsize and br tags in corporation titles to avoid breaking the formatting of show info windows.

  • A client crash when inputting extremely large numbers into amount fields has been fixed.


  • Market order modification warnings are now fully translated in all localized clients.

  • The descriptions of some items and ships, like the Hulk, are now formatted correctly in localized clients.


  • A ship aligning for warp may now cancel the action at any time provided that it has not exceeded the activation speed and that its velocity vector is not yet aligned with the warp destination.