Patch Notes for Tyrannis 1.1 | EVE Online

Patch Notes for Tyrannis 1.1

2010-09-30 - 作者 CCP CAPSLOCK

Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1

Deployed Thursday, September 30, 2010


  • The backend of the EVE User Interface has been refactored to allow for faster development and ease of programming. Because of this some UI settings, such as stacked windows, may not be preserved after the patching process.

  • Cluster memory usage for the Planetary Interaction feature has been on the increase since the launch of Tyrannis earlier this year. A number of optimizations have been included to ensure the features memory footprint remains a dainty flutter for years to come and for the betterment of Tranquilitys health. Planetary Interaction gameplay remains unchanged.

  • The diplomat corp role has been added which allows the corp member with the role to manage the corporation standings on behalf of the corp. This means the person with the assigned role can add new standings from their corp to some other entity or adjust existing standings.

  • The align to bookmark command was added so you can so align towards bookmarks in space.


Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • The ammo-icon no longer overlaps with the ammo-counter when you assume control of a POS gun.


  • Resolved a crash issue related to rapidly switching between planets in planetary mode.

  • The mailer cache error preventing EVE mail working in the Mac client will no longer happen.

  • Fixed an issue with font rendering in the in-game browser.

  • Some graphics glitches on ATI cards have been fixed, notably the effects when the shader setting is set to high and the rendering of ship afterburners.

User Interface

  • Users applying skill points directly to a skill would, in rare cases, show that two points were needed for next level when in fact only one point was needed. This helpful calculation has now been made more accurate.


  • Resolved zoom issues when viewing a planet in planet mode while the resolution aspect ratio is higher than 1.6.


  • Russian localization was thoroughly overhauled and checked for consistency. All in-game texts, including but not limited to item descriptions and mission texts, were reviewed.


  • Fixed passive datacore collection to only happen on active accounts.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed Saturday, October 2, 2010**

User Interface

  • When opening the scanner the alert sound is no longer played.

  • Windows will now retain their correct size when you open and close them.

  • You can now view member hangars through the corporate hangar as intended.

  • Hiding passive modules in the HUD no longer hides all modules.

  • In the sovereignty dashboard only the first word in the location name was displayed. This has been fixed and the full name is shown correctly.

  • Resolved an issue where corporations who were part of an alliance had blue alliance stars against corporation members. The correct green star will show for corporation members.

  • If you moved a window half way off the screen it would bounce back into full view when you opened a new window. This has been fixed.

  • Certifications now show the level required for component skills.

  • Chat channels will no longer reset to the default positions every time the client is restarted.

  • Chat channel logs now show the channel name again as originally intended.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed, Tuesday October 5, 2010**


  • When moving skills into the skill queue, there was no skill book icon just a blank rectangle. This has been fixed.

Planetary Interaction

  • All pending structure placements in Planetary Interaction will now correctly display as yellow icons.

  • Scrolling through the processor pin schematic window will no longer affect the planet mode zoom.

  • Fixed an issue where exporting via launchpad occasionally failed.

Agents & Missions

  • The Loyalty Point store now displays the correct number of required items.

Starbases, Outposts & Stations

  • The control tower management window now shows "Put online" and "Change type" instead of "Put" and "Change".

  • In the sovereignty dashboard, only the first word in the location name was displayed, this has been fixed and the full name is now displayed.

User Interface

  • The password for a chat channel is now shown correctly when editing the details of a channel.

  • Fixed an issue where errors would be created while right clicking multiple probes.

  • When using CTRL + Up to select previous chat submissions will now place the cursor at the end of the line.

  • The move items sound effect now plays correctly.

  • The welcome screen for trial accounts is now bigger and better.

  • Fixed an issue where stacking chat channels created client errors.

  • Message boxes are less transparent so the text is easier to read.

  • The alert sound is no longer played when opening the scanner.

  • The sound effect is now correctly played when activating modules.

  • The People & Places window no longer jumps to the front over other windows when jumping/docking.

  • Windows will now retain their size when you open and close them.

  • Pinned windows are again persistent after re-logging or closing the windows.

  • Snapped windows stay put after closing another snapped window.

  • Pinned windows are again persistent after re-logging or closing the windows.

  • A stacked window will now open in the appropriate location after closing and reopening.

  • The icons on the fitting screen are now sized correctly.

  • The snap indicators will now help you again when resizing the window, just like they used to.

  • Cargo scanner window size and position will no longer change when you re-scan.

  • Fixed an issue where the chat channel window order was rearranged during a session change.

  • Tech 3 blueprints now render correctly.

  • The labels in the Fitting Preview are now shown correctly.

  • The cursor is now located correctly when changing market orders.

  • Fixed an issue where the corporation logo creator was off center.

  • Partially trained skills now display correctly in the character sheet.

  • Copy and paste will now copy the correct portion of text in the chat window.

  • Fixed an issue where dragging the certificate planner over a stack of windows created exceptions.

  • Wreck windows will no longer open in the center of the screen, but in the same location as the last moved window, or any stack of wrecks.

  • The Drones window now renders the action labels correctly.

  • Amount/Price columns did not auto-size correctly. They now size themselves correctly so that you can see the full text.

  • The Federal Intelligence Office requested their logo back. We had just had our morning coffee, and gave them their logo back.

In Game Browser

  • Fixed the 'trust request' notification pop-up from websites


  • When moving items, the cursor is now anchored in the top left corner of the items, as it previously did.

  • System channels, such as Local, now persist correctly and cannot be closed.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed Thursday, October 7, 2010**


User Interface

  • It is now possible to resize pinned windows.

  • Itemized bookmarks can now be dragged from a location, such as a cargo hold, straight into a bookmark folder.

  • The overview is now forced to clean itself after you have jumped. It didn't before, which was messy.


  • The asset window no longer goes blank if it was open while your ship was docking.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed Wednesday, October 13, 2010**


User Interface

  • When you get an expedition you will now get a message box stating so.

  • Containers now remember their position when you close them.

  • Character portraits no longer render in white while waiting for the portrait to download.

  • The Assets window will no longer jump to the front when you jump, dock or otherwise change state.

  • Triangles for ascending/descending sort order are now rendered in a standard format.

  • Icons on the fitting screen are now sized correctly.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed Thursday, October 21, 2010**


User Interface

  • A rare scenario that would remove all brackets in space has been fixed.

  • The agent conversation window will now open in the middle of the screen as it should.

  • The client will now correctly remember the position of all stacked windows.

  • A memory leak in text editing fields has been identified and plugged.

  • These updates will be deployed in a future optional patch.

**Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.1 Optional Patch

Deployed Thursday, October 28, 2010**


User Interface

  • A rare scenario that would remove all brackets in space has been fixed.

  • The agent conversation window will now open in the middle of the screen as it should.

  • The client will now correctly remember the position of all stacked windows.

  • A memory leak in text editing fields has been identified and plugged.

  • When creating weapon groups ghost icons were sometimes left floating in space. These have been cleaned up.

  • It was possible to get in a state where you were unable to switch chat channels. This has been fixed.

  • An issue with double entries appearing on the overview has been fixed.