In development: Redesigning the EVE Rookie Ships | EVE Online

In development: Redesigning the EVE Rookie Ships

2012-02-28 - By CCP Guard

Most of us still remember our first time in EVE and that special feeling of piloting our very first ship. We didn't have the comparison to the infinitely more powerful vessels we would soon command so to our fresh and unspoiled minds we were the king of the stars for a little while and the rookie ships were our chariots of destruction. At least until we met Tank CEO at a gate and were „gently“ removed from the throne.

Apart from the obvious fact that the Impairor, the Velator, the Ibis and the Reaper hold great importance being the first ships any new pilot is granted upon being born into the EVE Universe, they hold a special place in all our hearts.

The rookie ships are being re-designed and given a long overdue makeover. This is part of our ongoing effort to continously update the art assets in EVE Online and making sure it remains the most beautiful MMO out there.

We wanted to show you the new rookie ships, and use the opportunity to give you a little insight into the process behind adding new assets to the game. Enjoy!

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