EVE Online: Apocrypha and a guide to patching to the new client. | EVE Online

EVE Online: Apocrypha and a guide to patching to the new client.

2009-03-10 - Publié par Svarthol

Due to the new patching mechanic, build numbers and patching functionality may show previously unexpected build numbers and behaviour. This means there will be one large patch and additional patches, however, you may need to download more than one patch to get to the final build in order to connect to Tranquility. If this happens, don't panic. It is expected behaviour.

Patching from the old Classic client will claim to download a patch and install it. An installer will start and you have to accept the EULA before patching commences. The install will happen on a plain background which is not displaying any patch notes. This is expected behaviour.

Patching is now available for Windows. The patch for the Mac client will be available shortly after 12.00