Prepare for Castor | EVE Online

Prepare for Castor

2003-12-16 - Publié par Svarthol

We want to keep you updated on the progress of Castor. Some last minute bugs showed up in our final intensive testing, which we are fixing as we speak. We will let you know about the special downtime when Castor gets the final approval from the testing department.

To prepare for Castor we encourage everyone with build version 1238 to patch manually to version 1254 as the autopatcher in version 1238 has been found not to work in many cases.

To patch, simply click on the link to the patch, and choose "Save" from the dialogue that pops up. Choose a location to save to and press "Save" again. You can also read the more detailed instructions

Once the save has been completed you are ready to apply the patch. Before doing so, exit EVE and all other applications you might have running. Double click the patch file, sit back and wait for you EVE client to upgrade. Note that if you have installed EVE to a non-default directory, you will have to locate it before patching.

If you run into any problems then please contact us through the support website at //