Eve Data Export, The Continuation of an epic saga | EVE Online

Eve Data Export, The Continuation of an epic saga

2006-12-06 - Publié par CCP t20

I present you with an updated batch of data from EVE. For you who know already what this is, you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out what has changed.

For those that are not familiar with this particular export, I recommend reading my first devblog (you can't buy this as a chemistry set in the toystore, sorry) and the helper thread where many of your predecessors and mentors have helped each other out in the quest for eternal glory and men in tights. (Note that the old thread will be locked down, as with new data, comes new problems and it's easier to start fresh).

I will document this export ASAP for the new people, don't worry ... but I've been threatened with being scalped, drawn and quartered, emasculated, eviscerated, beheading and divided into four parts if i wouldn't release this info on the 6th of December (time of writing of this blurb, blame kieron for not publishing this in time :p)

This is only the data, the icons will be rendered out tomorrow, alongside with the alliance logos for the alliance pages and most probably the item database on the website as well.

I will update this blog with new information, so keep an eye on this blog and the comments page if you're eager to know more in the next coming days.

//ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/data/SV-2.14__CL-99999__DB-1953.rar (right click / save as) approx 32.4 MB in size

**Attention:**The same criteria apply still and I will say it again for posterity, you can not sell this data or use it in any form of a commercial product. If you want to use it in a commercial product, contact info@ccpgames.com for licensing.