New Eden Store - Selected SKINs Return For Federation Day! | EVE Online

New Eden Store - Selected SKINs Return For Federation Day!

2019-06-18 - CCP Falcon

We're super happy to announce the return of the Nyx Dos Rouvenor’s Bequest SKIN and the Luminaire Rising SKINs as part of the celebration of Federation Day, as well as the Summer Solstice.

These SKINs are returning to the New Eden Store at a 30% discount until June 25, with the Luminaire Rising SKIN bundle seeing a further 10% off too!

The Luminaire Rising SKIN line is available for the following hulls:

  • Paladin
  • Ferox
  • Vexor Navy Issue
  • Panther

Check out the New Eden Store for more information and many more SKINs if you'd like to add more to your collection!