Alliance Tournament XII - Third weekend inbound with EVE TV broadcasting | EVE Online

Alliance Tournament XII - Third weekend inbound with EVE TV broadcasting

2014-08-29 - Von CCP Phantom

Brace yourself for a fantastic third weekend of the Alliance Tournament XII with action packed matches and the legendary EVE TV studio talks broadcasted live for free on August 30thand 31st from 14:00 to 21:30 UTC!

After exciting first two weekends of Alliance Tournament XII with live commentators on stream we present the third weekend of the tournament in the fully revamped EVE TV studio. Expect intense battles and in-depth analysis during and after the matches by commentators at the CCP headquarters in Reykjavik.

The Alliance Tournament is a double elimination tournament. Each team can lose up to one match, but the second lost match leads then to instant elimination (except for the semifinals and finals, they are best-of-three and best-of-five matches).  The Alliance Tournament spans in total over the course of four weekends, this is the third weekend.

All matches of the Alliance Tournament will be broadcasted and commented live by our tournament experts on the CCP channel; the broadcast - which is completely free - begins on August 30th and 31st at 14:00 UTC - don't miss it!

Alliance Tournament XII

Website information

Alliance Tournament XIIScheduleTournament live brackets

Free broadcast

CCPGames pageAugust 30th from 14:00 - 21:30 UTCAugust 31st from 14:00 - 21:30 UTC(Broadcast schedule for the final weekend will be announced later)

Forum and discussions

EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion


Alliance Tournament XII - Prizes RevealedAlliance Tournament XII - Teams revealedAlliance Tournament XII - Commentators revealedAlliance Tournament XII - Signups, format, and rulesAlliance Tournament XII announced

Team Spotlights

Clockwork PineappleNulli SecundaTest Alliance Please IgnoreSurely You're JokingNoir. Mercenary Group(more Spotlights will follow as the Tournament continues)

YouTube recordings

Tournament Day 1Tournament Day 2Tournament Day 3Tournament Day 4

Have fun and enjoy the AT XII!