Frigates of EVE: The Cross Sections Limited Edition available for pre-order tomorrow! | EVE Online

Frigates of EVE: The Cross Sections Limited Edition available for pre-order tomorrow!

2017-04-11 - Von CCP Falcon

CCP Games and Dark Horse Comics are incredibly proud to announce that Frigates of EVE: The Cross Sections Limited Edition will be available for pre-orders tomorrow, at the stated times in the time zones listed in the image above.

With only 1337 copies of the Limited Edition ever available, you should be sure to make your pre- order as soon as possible to avoid missing out!

The Limited Edition of the book will be available in the EVE Online Store, shipping from the USA, EU and UK to provide low shipping rates, and will also be available from for those in Australia and New Zealand.

Packed from cover to cover with 160 pages of cross sections of all the most popular frigates used by the empires of New Eden, as well as detailed technical backstory on the origins of the vessels and the technologies they use, Frigates of EVE: The Cross Sections Limited Edition will ship on June 6th 2017.

Pre-orders begin at 21:00 EVE Time tomorrow – Check the image above for your local time zone.