Player Ads at Invasion World Tour Live Events | EVE Online

Player Ads at Invasion World Tour Live Events

2019-09-27 - Von CCP Dopamine

We have received a bunch of great ads earlier this year that have been shown at each Invasion World Tour stream and with two more events to go we would like to bring this back on your radar. Ingenious capsuleers, put your creative helmets on, start up a video editing software and create a video material that will make your Alliance, Corporation or Organization proud!

Don’t forget to read the following instructions to make sure that your piece of art will be eligible for a showcase during an official live stream from EVE Vegas and EVE London.

Content Rules

  • All video material must be EVE related.
  • The item/service being advertised must be EVE related.
  • Any service being advertised must be free to players or accessed using in-game currency.
  • Videos cannot include copyrighted audio or visuals.
  • The video must be suitable for all ages.
  • The video must contain sound.
  • Content must be respectable (no attack ads) and suitable for broadcast to a dystopian space family audience.
  • Adverts must be in English, including all text.
    • Our Russian community can send ads in Russian, but these will then only be used during EVE Russia livestream.
  • The quality of the advert must reflect positively on EVE itself.
  • You can send videos all year long, but as a rule of a thumb, try to send videos at least three weeks before the next event to maximize your chances of appearing on stream.

Technical Rules

  • Videos should have a resolution of 1920x1080 with a 1:1-pixel aspect ratio; adverts will not be accepted in any other resolutions. Videos should not contain vertical black bars.
  • Videos should be 25 frames per second. adverts will not be accepted at any other frame rate.
  • Time length should be exactly 15 Seconds long.
  • If you are using Royalty Free / Creative Commons audio, then credit the author somewhere in the end plate of your video. An end plate is where you typically put your Logo, URL and such.
  • Video codec should be Mp4 or MOV file with H.264 as a compressor at 15 to 20Mbps.
  • Label your video file appropriately. Example: AllianceName_AdTitle_VEGAS2018.mp4
  • Each Corp/Alliance/website/entity is allocated one ad slot in each video cycle. You can submit multiple adverts, but they will rotate with each cycle of all the ads.
  • You must include the source of your audio in your email to us, even if you are not required to credit the author.
  • We don't want to take any chances of getting into trouble for using copyrighted material, so we suggest you consider using Royalty Free. There is a vast amount of Royalty Free audio online so it should be easy finding a suitable track to back up those pretty visuals.

Please be aware that CCP reserves the right to reject videos that don’t follow guidelines or at its discretion. We try not to, but if your video is super weird, obscene or otherwise inappropriate for teen audiences, then we'll have to decline to air it.

If you are not sure on how Creative Commons works this image explains it nicely. Creative Commons Simplified

Here are a few suggestions for music communities. Creative Commons Music Communities

This YouTube channel by AudioPad has over 250 tracks. To use the music, simply read the licence in the description of each video. AudioPad - Royalty Free YouTube channel

Additionally, you are welcome to use EVE sounds in your submissions.

Please contact us at to submit your video and to ask any questions. If you would like us to use your advertisement only for a specific event, please indicate as such when you submit it. Videos can either be attached as a file to your email or hosted and linked to in the email as a non-perishable download link.