A Short Transmission on a Few Upcoming Changes
The holidays are safely over for us all; the Earth having safely completed yet another orbit around the sun. Up in the land of ice and Vikings, we are gearing back up to work off all those mince pies in what looks to be a very interesting year. For the past few weeks the focus has been on bug fixing but not without a spoonful of balancing and timely changes to go with it. It is the latter which we want to talk about and tell you about a few of the upcoming changes.
Six new clones have been added going all the way up to 450 million skill points at the cost of 150 million ISK which should keep Dr Caymus and the rest of you covered for a few years. We also took this opportunity to revisit the existing clones and rounded up both the skill points saved and the costs to figures that are a little easier on the eyes. The most significant changes are the price reduction of the Rho and Sigma clones to bring them more into line with the preceding clones. The table below shows the new clone figures.
Name | Skill Points | Cost |
Clone Grade Alpha | 900,000 | - |
Clone Grade Beta | 1,380,000 | 40,000 |
Clone Grade Gamma | 2,050,000 | 65,000 |
Clone Grade Delta | 2,800,000 | 95,000 |
Clone Grade Epsilon | 3,750,000 | 130,000 |
Clone Grade Zeta | 4,800,000 | 180,000 |
Clone Grade Eta | 6,100,000 | 250,000 |
Clone Grade Theta | 7,750,000 | 335,000 |
Clone Grade Iota | 9,800,000 | 470,000 |
Clone Grade Kappa | 12,400,000 | 650,000 |
Clone Grade Lambda | 15,700,000 | 930,000 |
Clone Grade Mu | 20,000,000 | 1,340,000 |
Clone Grade Nu | 25,600,000 | 1,980,000 |
Clone Grade Xi | 32,800,000 | 2,990,000 |
Clone Grade Omicron | 42,200,000 | 4,700,000 |
Clone Grade Pi | 54,600,000 | 7,800,000 |
Clone Grade Rho | 71,000,000 | 13,000,000 |
Clone Grade Sigma | 92,500,000 | 20,000,000 |
Clone Grade Tau | 120,000,000 | 30,000,000 |
Clone Grade Upsilon | 156,000,000 | 45,000,000 |
Clone Grade Phi | 203,000,000 | 65,000,000 |
Clone Grade Chi | 264,000,000 | 90,000,000 |
Clone Grade Psi | 343,500,000 | 120,000,000 |
Clone Grade Omega | 450,000,000 | 150,000,000 |
Future Manufacturing Waste Fix
Many of you were affected by a Trinity change to the rounding of manufacturing waste where both the blueprint and skill waste are rounded with runs. This resolved a lot of issues but had the side effect of making single batch or small scale production more efficient than mass production. Since smaller batch sizes suffered from reduced loss a diseconomy of scale resulted.
To fix this, we will make all waste be calculated on the single run and then multiplied by the runs such that the material requirements for a 200 run job will be 200 times the requirements of a 1 run job.
Combat Log Upgraded to Allow You to Scroll Backwards
The combat log will soon let you browse further back than the last 25 records in your character sheet combat log allowing you access to rest of your kills and losses.
Mining Drones Get a Little Love
The very best Gallente engineers have been working around the clock to retrofit all current mining drones with small shield generators as the cries and outrage of the mining elite were heard. Now mining drones have a small amount of shield, structure and armor hit points. They will still need protection as any rogue can easily destroy them but they should now be able to withstand someone sneezing on them.
Mobile Laboratories Reinforced
More hit points have also been added to Mobile Laboratories; they are now a little more resistant to attack when the occasion comes that they are vulnerable.
In Closing
Feedback as ever is welcome on any of these changes.
Ave - Chronotis