Issue with the Upgrade from Classic to Premium for XP and older Windows OS Users | EVE Online

Issue with the Upgrade from Classic to Premium for XP and older Windows OS Users

2007-12-06 - Svarthol

An issue has been discovered whereby Windows XP and older Windows OS users who have upgraded their EVE clients from Classic Graphics Content to Premium Graphics Content have their boot.ini file deleted. For users facing this issue, we recommend users DO NOT reboot their computers until this issue has been resolved.

We have taken down the ability to download the Classic to Premium upgrade patch until we have determined where the issue lies and how we can resolve this. Full install clients have not exhibited this issue and are safe to download.

Please note: This issue affects Windows XP and older users who have upgraded their EVE clients with the Classic to Premium version. It does not affect Vista, Mac or Linux users.

Users facing this issue are encouraged to visit this Microsoft Knowledge Base Item for a manual fix or try one of the below solutions:

Manual restoration of the boot.ini file

For users who have not rebooted their computers after installing the Classic to Premium patch:

  1. Open notepad.

  2. Copy the following text and paste it into notepad:

    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect

    Note: If your operating system is XP Home Edition, please replace the word "Professional" with "Home Edition" on the last line above.

  3. Select "save as" from the File menu, ensuring and make sure you select "All Files" from the Save as type drop down menu and save the file as: c:\boot.ini

  4. Click the Start button, then select Run

  5. Type "cmd" in the Run window

  6. Type "cd c:" at the prompt and enter, then type "attrib +s +h +a boot.ini" when at the c:\ prompt

  7. To verify, go back to steps 4 and 5, exchanging "msconfig" for "cmd" in step 5. You should see a tab for boot.ini in the System Configuration Utility.

For users who have rebooted their computers after installing the Classic to Premium patch:

  1. Boot from your OS cd and follow the directions to start Recovery Console. You must be logged in as the machine's local administrator.

  2. Choose the corresponding number asked of you for your OS is on, normally its #1 Then type:

    • Attrib -H -R -S C:\Boot.ini
    • DEL C:\Boot.ini
    • BootCfg /Rebuild
    • Fixboot

    Further discussion and updates can be found in this forum thread.