24-hour SKIN Sales every Thursday | EVE Online

24-hour SKIN Sales every Thursday

2019-12-12 - Von CCP Convict

Get up to a massive 50% off selected SKINs at the New Eden Store with these awesome 24-hour sales, running every Thursday until 11:00 UTC on 3 January 2020!

The schedule for the 24 hour SKIN sales is:

  • 11:00 12 Dec to 11:00 13 Dec
  • 11:00 19 Dec to 11:00 20 Dec
  • 11:00 26 Dec to 11:00 27 Dec
  • 11:00 2 Jan to 11:00 3 Jan

You'll have to check out the New Eden Store every Thursday to see what's on sale and you can get started right now. Dress your ship up nice for the season!