Voting for CSM 11 is open NOW | EVE Online

Voting for CSM 11 is open NOW

2016-02-29 - Von CCP Guard

We are happy to announce that voing for the Eleventh Council of Stellar Management is now open!

Click here to cast your vote! (Requires login!)

In total we have 53 approved candidates that are listed on this page for your consideration when voting. 

There are a lot of candidates to pick from, so if you're still undecided you may find Vote-Match useful. Vote-Match is produced by former CSM member Diedra Vaal and allows you to easily find out which candidates your interests align with. You might also want to check out CSM Watch which has interviews and roundtables with candidates and coverage of the campaigns, as do many other blogs and fansites.

Voting for CSM 11 is open until March 25th, so you have some time to carefully go over the list of candidates and make your selection. For further information on how to vote, and key dates surrounding the CSM 11 elections, see this blog.

Voting process:

  • This year we will be using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system again.

  • The minimum account age for voters is 30 days.

  • Only active accounts are eligible to vote.

  • Each account can vote only once. Submitted votes cannot be revoked or edited.

  • Each voter can pick up to 14 candidates. To vote you simply need to drag-and-drop your preferred candidates in order and submit your vote.

May your votes strike true!