Patch Notes For March 2019 Release | EVE Online

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release

2019-03-08 - CCP Falcon

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-04-02.1

Released On Tuesday, April 2nd 2019

Defect Fixes:


  • Fixed a problem where cloaked ships were not removed correctly from observing clients.
  • Fixed another problem with the expiry of wormholes, which could cause a wormhole to change destination.


  • Fixed the cracking noise when flying near the TriGlavian Jumpgates.

User Interface:

  • Fixed a problem with renaming an Upwell structure, while being docked.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-03-27.1

Released On Wednesday, March 27th 2019

Defect Fixes:


  • Fixed another edge case of wormholes not expiring correctly.


  • Fixed an issue where a mission site completed right before downtime would fail to persist the completed state with an agent when the server came back up. This led to the curious case where your mission deadspace site would no longer have any content, and the agent had no memory of you completing the site.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-03-20.1

Released On Wednesday, March 20th 2019

__Features & Changes


  • Abyssal Deadspace: Bioadaptive Caches no longer accept Triglavian Survey Data in exchange for Data Vaults. Triglavian datastreams may become available from other sources.


  • The multipliers that influence insurance contract costs and payout values have been rebalanced for several ship classes. In general, larger tech 1 ships now have lower multipliers than smaller ones.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-03-19.1

Released On Tuesday, March 19th 2019

Defect Fixes:


  • Reduced the respawn delay of wormholes by 1 minute to compensate for the 1 minute increase in delay before despawning required to ensure that other issues do not occur. Pilots will find that the time between a static wormhole collapsing and a new instance spawning is now the same as it was previously (1 minute total)


  • Fixed a logo from a SKIN that was being displayed on all other SKINs on the Kikimora, Vedmak and Leshak.

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where Structure Fighters couldn't be given movement commands through the right click or radial menu.
  • Removed the non-functional "Scoop to cargohold" option that was incorrectly shown on anchored Customs Offices.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking multiple items in the overview during high latency situations could result in incorrect options being displayed in the selected item window.
  • Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances, drones wouldn't be correctly loaded when using the "Fit" option.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-03-14.1

Released On Thursday, March 14th 2019

Defect Fixes:

User Interface:

  • Fixed a problem in various inventory windows, where the "slot" column was not populated correctly,
  • Fixed a problem where searching for a specific Upwell structure did not work correctly, for example for remote buy order creation.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release - 2019-03-13.1

Released On Wednesday, March 13th 2019

Features & Changes


  • The prices at which skills are seeded to the Market has been adjusted. This change will also impact their prices when purchased via the character sheet.

Defect Fixes:


  • Fixed an issue where in some circumstances traversing a wormhole would transport pilots to a previous location in the system, if the wormhole collapsed.

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where if a character had insufficient funds to complete a skills purchase no message would appear explaining why the transaction failed.
  • Improved the skill tool tip text for when a character lacks the requirements needed to train.
  • Fixed an issue where the estimate prices of rare skills displayed in the character sheet did not match the estimations seen elsewhere.
  • Fixed an issue where capture timers for faction warfare sites were not displaying correctly.

Patch Notes For March 2019 Release

Released On Tuesday, March 12th 2019

Features & Changes


  • When encountering the different pirate factions around New Eden, capsuleers will be able to hear distinctly different communications chatter based on which pirate faction they come in contact with.

Missions & NPCs:

  • Level 4 and 5 Agent missions are now only accessible for Omega Accounts


  • Adjustments have been made to the respawn rates of certain nullsec anomalies. These adjustments are part of a gradual ongoing process that will see further tweaks for this type of content.


  • Added the ability to purchase all core skills directly from the character sheet for a 30% markup on seeded prices.

- User Interface:

  • The tooltip of a repairing module in the ship hud will now have a count-down, showing how long until the module is fully repaired.

Defect Fixes:


  • To prevent exploits surrounding wars, it is no longer possible for a defending corporation to join an alliance that has an offensive war against their aggressor.
  • During any war cool-down period either side of the old war can choose to declare a new war instantly if both sides are war eligible. Any new war started during the cool-down of an old war involving the same parties will immediately end the old war early and start the new war with fighting enabled (no 24 hour spool-up). This new war is still subject to the same billing and eligibility requirements of any normal war.
  • Fixed several problems with the expiry of wormholes, especially for null-sec wormholes. This should fix the problem of wormholes collapsing when trying to jump through.
  • Corrected the meta group attribute of several T2 and T3 items so that they will display correctly in the compare tool
  • Fixed a problem with reloading partially loaded modules, where only one stack of charges was being used.
  • Fitting: Fixed a problem with the "Fit Ship" option, where it did not warn properly if not sufficient ammunition could be found. It will now also restock the correct amount of mission ammunition.
  • Fixed an issue causing Webifying Drones to all have the same signature radius

Graphics & Audio:

  • Fixed Deimos mirrored faction logo.
  • Fixed an issue whereby certain VFX sounds where being muted as soon as they started playing in systems with many deployed structures.
  • Changed the location of a blinking light on the Cynabal which was placed on the same spot as a turret hardpoint.
  • Fixed the logo displayed on the Nyx with the Police SKIN applied to it.
  • Enabled a warping animation on the Astero.
  • Fixed blurriness of booster trails when flying especially fast ships while having speed boosting implants.
  • Fixed bug that caused explosion sounds to play when warping away from a decayed angel mass grave and minimizing the client.
  • Fixed inverted logo on Tatara structure.
  • Fixed clipping on the Women's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket.
  • Fixed clipping of the Men's 'Lockstep' Boots through the Men's 'Commando' Pants.


  • Fixed an issue in the physics engine with collision handling that could lead to ship position/velocity becoming desynchronised between server and clients.

Structures & Deployables:

  • Improved a misleading error message when trying to take control of a FLEX structure, which is already controlled by someone else.
  • Fixed a problem with right-click options for Upwell Structures.
  • Fixed a problem with contract creation, where an "Slow Down" message was displayed, if you had items in very many Upwell Structures.
  • Bounties from NPCs, which are killed by Upwell structures, are now being paid out to the controller of the structure.
  • Fixed a problem where cloaking ships were sometimes not fully removed from observing clients, if they were observing space from viewing outside from an Upwell structure. This could also lead to desync.
  • Fixed a problem where the docking availability icon on an Upwell structure would switch to denied, after trying to dock with a too large ship (as the ship size should not be part of this).

Text & Descriptions:

  • Several minor text issues have been corrected.
  • The error message received when the network connection between client and server ("socket closed") has been updated to provide more useful information.
  • The evemail notification sent to corporation members on the deletion of a character that is a member of their corporation has been changed.
  • User Interface:
  • Fixed a problem in the market, which excluded items from being shown when using "Show only available" with a "Region" range filter, if they were only being sold in Upwell structures.
  • Disabled the non-functional option to "Read News" on billboards.
  • Fitting simulation: It is now possible to filter the hardware browser by subsystems for T3 cruisers - in combination with the filter for rigs.
  • Fixed a problem that overview settings were not saved properly while being docked.
  • The tooltip for a module shows now the correct damage state, while it is being repaired.
  • Fixed minor issues with the alignment and text style of the object name in the radial menu.
  • Fixed a problem with the show info window, where it was not possible to open the preview window of a ship, if a character with positive or negative standing was viewed before in the show info window.
  • The color of links is now affected by the color blind mode.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented the guests list in a station or Upwell structure to be updated properly, while a filter was active.
  • Fixed a problem, where the corporation show info window was not updated properly after leaving an alliance.