Pilots to Gather in Honour of Departing Capsuleer
PATOR - A gathering on the evening of 1.30.113 has been scheduled to honour Poreuomai, a pilot that served as a faithful representative of the ideals held by the Minmatar Republic.
Poreuomai was considered by many to be a cornerstone of the Minmatar capsuleer community and will be missed by capsuleers throughout New Eden. Ugleb of Sarz’na Kumatari is leading the efforts to gather capsuleers wishing to pay their respects to Poreuomai, who will be departing the capsuleer community permanently as he searches for a new life planet-side.
Though many in the close knit Minmatar loyalist community are saddened by his transition to a life outside the confines of a spacecraft, Ugleb emphasizes that pilots should remember the pilot Poreuomai was, as "That is what we seek to celebrate, and it is that spirit we shall gather to honour."
His impact on many pilots was quite apparent; Shinda Tenshi, a member of the Sacred Templars recalls that "He has been there for me more than once and i don’t think I can ever thank him enough."
Any capsuleers wishing to pay respects are invited to join Ugleb on Sunday at 2100 in the Pator system.
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