Community Beat for 22 November
o7 Spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat!
CCP Lumi, Jotunn, and Zelus from the Community team, along with a host of EVE Online and EVE Vanguard developers, recently attended EVE London!
We were all enthralled hearing your stories about what you've all been up to recently with the expansion, too - hearing about the battles that have broken out over people trying to get their Merc dens in place in the march towards individuals securing their own Deathless goodies. (Honestly, if you know any empty planets... The whole community team is also fighting over them... we're borderline 1v1'ing at the sun over here to decide who gets the next spot!) Of course, most of you have been saving up for some of the shiny new Deathless ships - those in attendance at EVE London got to try out the feel for the Cenotaph and the Tholos in a brawly free-for-all during the event to get an idea of what they feel like and how to engage/counter them. If you're unfamiliar with them still - One of the EVE Partners, Zaqq also put out a video featuring the Tholos, and highlighting the new Breacher Pod Damage over time weapon if you want to check it out:
Also, with the Revenant expansion, there was a plethora of updates for the SKINR tool, such as adding a secondary pattern and new blending effects. During the EVE London meet, we had some PCs set as proverbial easels for people to Bob Ross themselves and test out these updates - participants could grab a few.. inspirational snacks and drinks from the bar (real talk, the gamer snacks they had at this place came in a whole host of colours and varieties, I wouldn't be shocked if someone colour matched some of these things during the event) - then sit down and design happy little accidents until their heart was content. We had a competition during the event, where we set 3 design categories: Best Deathless Ship SKIN, Best Use of a Secondary Pattern and blend mode, and Best Overall SKIN.
We had over 70 entries for the competition; one individual, Dangerous Deswe, submitted a whopping 19 designs and walked away with two of the top spot prizes (Images 1 & 2 below), with Chris Roberts winning the final spot for the Phoenix Navy Issue "Firebirb" design (Image 3 below). There was some serious dedication - check out the winner's designs:

We all had an incredibly memorable time at the event, and we hope those who attended did, too! If you haven't had the opportunity to participate in an EVE meet before, there's one more EVE meetup planned for this year in Glasgow just before the New Year on 28 December - drop on into the EVE Glasgow Discord and say hello to your fellow spacefriends to keep informed about it!
Facwar Bloodbrawl 2: 2 Slow 2 Brawly
Speaking of upcoming events, we wanted to highlight two more community events that are coming up! First up - was the Faction Warfare Bloodbrawl. Last year, a few community team members joined up for this event as well. It was an absolute banger of an event.

The invite is put out to each of the Faction Warfare factions to attend a massive brawl - last year, all but the Caldari made an appearance (apparently, they cunningly took advantage of the event by making advancements in the warzone whilst everyone else was distracted) - with the start of the event signalled by the destruction of a Moros, the battle went on for a good couple of hours with equitable exchanges throughout the event. The invitation for this years event has been set for 7 December at 1900 UTC, over in Zarzakh, with the artwork for the invitation posted like a flyer in a medieval towns WANTED board, which looks pretty entertaining:

I guess when they made the artwork, they took the idea of armour brawl a bit too literally..
11th Annual Snowball Fight - The Fast and the Frosty
The end-of-the-year celebrations kick off once again in Luminaire. Thanks again to the organisational efforts of Commander A9, who brings everyone together to share some end-of-the-year festivities with the whole of New Eden.

Usually forming massive conga lines around the station, with a dazzling display of fireworks and snowballs, to the soothing tunes of EVE Radio blasting out some classic seasonal appropriate music, alongside secret Santa gift exchanges and competition light shows, it is always a thoroughly enjoyable event. Stop by and say hello on the 15 December at 1900 UTC if you're free!
It has been brought
In the Revenant expansion, ships were given small favour quotes and seeing everyone posting their adaptations of what they thought the quotes could have also said had us all in hysterics with their references. When "FC Can I bring my Drake?" was asked so many times, and the quote added to the Drake was "It has been bought", a bunch of you reached out, loving that one. Another one was the Naglfar, known by many for having "Vertical Supremacy" for the quote "Stand Tall, Stand Strong" It seemed enjoyed enough that over on Reddit it became a Propaganda poster for FL33T:

It's great to think of these all up as posters, dotted around inside a warzone, for individuals to be proud of their nation's ships. It amused us to think of all the doctrines with their names over the years, with the same style of poster quotes all over their space. Fantastic work!
EVE Buddy Companion app
We occasionally like to feature some of the work of our third-party community in the Community Beats. Their work continues to help keep the universe alive, and with the evergrowing complexity of New Eden, their work also helps keep things manageable.

EVE Buddy V0.7 was recently released and has 3 key features:
It can give you access to your character information without having to log in to the EVE client or switch your current EVE character
It can provide you with helpful functions, such as an asset search across all of your characters
It can also notify you about important game events, like attacked structures or new EVE Mails.
There's some thorough documentation on their GitHub page with a comprehensive list of features! It's an early release, though and as with any program development, they're always looking for feedback to help mould it to something that helps peeps out - check it out if you're looking for something to help with communications!
EVE Fanfest Adventures
Streamer and EVE Partner Amiomia is also hosting a competition for attending EVE Fanfest in 2025. But this isn't just a ticket to Fanfest; they raised €1650 during 2024 to cover flights and hotel accommodations for one lucky winner! To enter, they're asking for a short story about why you should win the trip.
So if you've got a favourite moment out in space with your corp mates, your enemies, an event you attended, a battle story, or even that time half your fleet jumped into a wormhole and it collapsed, come and share the tale!
EVE Fanfest player presenter deadline is also coming up!
On the topic of stories and EVE Fanfest, the final call for player presenters at Fanfest is coming up on December 1! All players, seasoned veterans and new pilots alike, are encouraged to seize this opportunity to share their stories, experiences, and knowledge with space friends.

Presentations don't have to be super long, just 30 minutes (with ~15 minutes for Q&A). It comes with a free ticket to Fanfest, as well as access to some of the special facilities at the venue.
That's it for this edition of the Community Beat! We look forward to sharing your new creations in the next edition!