Patch Notes for Odyssey | EVE Online

Patch Notes for Odyssey

2013-06-04 - CCP Falcon

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.20Released on Wednesday, August 21st 2013



  • Optimization for the bug report system

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.19Released on Tuesday, August 13th 2013



  • Updating the bug reporting tool in preparation for the launch of the new bug reporting system. Note that bug reporting is still disabled within the client. Further information about our bug reporting improvements can be found in this dev blog.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.18Released on Thursday, August 1st 2013


Fixed an issue causing clients running ECM effects to not receive updates to the sensor strength of their target, leading to incorrect reporting of ECM success.

User Interface

  • A new version for the replay data CREST endpoint for tournament matches is available. Please read this forum post by CCP QC for further details.


  • Updated translations for some DUST items on the market.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.16Released on Wednesday, July 18th 2013



  • Updating market for DUST items

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.15Released on Wednesday, July 17th 2013



  • Kill report value for items that do not have sufficient public market history will now revert to authored values.

  • Authored default kill report values for tournament reward ships.

User Interface

  • Updated tournament tooling in preparation for Alliance Tournament XI, coming to an Internet near you this very Saturday, July 20.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.14Released on Tuesday, July 16th 2013



  • Enabling a settings panel on Mac to allow users to toggle the auto close of the EVE Launcher after starting an EVE Client

  • Enabling right click menus in the embedded browser to allow users to copy and paste into the input fields


Ticket system

  • Numerous back-end changes to the ticket system for Customer Support

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.13Released on Tuesday, July 9th 2013


Character Creator

  • The icons for the new tattoos introduced have been fixed.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.12Released on Tuesday, July 2nd 2013


Character Creator

  • New tattoos have been prepared for the character creator. Those tattoos are not yet available and will be unlocked at a later stage.

  • Clear glasses added to the character creator because capsuleers of steel need their disguises.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.11Released on Tuesday, June 25th 2013


Exploration and Deadspace

  • The time required to receive results when scanning moon compositions with Survey Probes has been cut in half

  • Resolved an issue where the show anomalies checkbox would desynchronize itself from the probe results list. 

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.10Released on Monday, June 24th 2013


Character Creator

  • A crash in the Character Creator has been fixed.

Exploration and Deadspace

  • An issue with Exploration sites not despawning has been fixed. Now, when any container is successfully hacked a despawn timer initiates.

  • An issue with the site beacons despawning in Factional Warfare has been fixed.

Graphics General

  • Jumpgates have been resized to be compatible in scale for all variants between the different racial styles.


  • On the localized clients, the descriptions of Anathema, Buzzard, Helios and Cheetah now correctly refer to the virus strength bonus.

  • On the localized clients, the descriptions of Legion Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer, Loki Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer, Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer and Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer now correctly refer to the virus strength bonus.

  • Various fixes and improvements have been implemented on the localized clients.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.9Released on Thursday, June 20th 2013


User Interface

  • You can now again right click the anomalies in the star system map view.

  • German and Japanese localized clients should no longer have any issues loading the wallet journal.

  • An issue where action message above the HUD would not always display the command issued with shortcut has been resolved

  • The armor and shield health bars will no longer flash forever when your ship’s structure is damaged

  • An issue where the Station Services window could be missing has been resolved

  • Radial Menu animations should no longer be affected by TiDi

Exploration and Deadspace

  • 4/10 and 3/10 DED Complexes no longer allow Orcas to enter.


User Interface – Radial Menu

  • “Access Custom Office” has been added as a primary action for Custom Offices

  • “Open Cargo” has been added as a primary action for containers found in some missions and secure containers

  • “Jump to ” has been added as a primary action for Jump Bridges

  • "Jump to ” has been added as a primary action for Titans that have a bridge up

  • The mouse cursor behavior for radial menu has been changed and it will no longer snap to where you click when the menu closes but will rather keep its position

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.8Released on Wednesday, June 19th 2013



  • Fixed a rare issue that would cause the market to stop, resulting in a “Market Not Ready” message


  • Russian translations have been introduced for faction names (see the list here; transition is still ongoing) and clone grade names; if you don't like them (why wouldn't you?), please remember to use bilingual functionality tools (i. e., tooltips in English).

  • Numerous fixes have been made to the Russian UI; FiS UI, mini-map interface, medical service interface, and redeeming system interface all have been improved.


  • Ice belts will now properly spawn in three systems in Aridia and will contain null-sec grade ice

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.7Released on Tuesday, June 18th 2013


User Interface

  • Hopefully resolved an issue with probes re-ordering themselves in the scanner window. If this issue persists please file another bug report.

  • Resolved an issue where the client would display a black screen when undocking, or when logging in while in space.

  • Ships in the overview are now reliably showing their correct owner after undocking or jumping through a cyno or jump bridge. This should also fix a related problem with missing standings in these cases.

  • The sensor overlay is now no longer stopping to show anomalies and signatures in certain systems.

  • Fixed the descriptions of all the Tech II exploration ships and the Tech III Emergent Locus Analyzer subsystems

NPE (New Player Experience)

  • The mission Balancing the Books 7/10 is now able to be completed without issue. Those of you who are unable to complete, please file a Support Ticket to help resolve the issue.

  • On the mission: Balancing the Books 4 of 10, the main container can now be re-hacked to eject another mini container. Thus allowing infinite chances of collecting the required mission item.


  • The site Digital Compound is now correctly shown as a Combat Site (it was shown as a Data Site)

  • An issue with mini profession dungeons not remembering their state after downtime has been fixed

  • We have removed the clouds from the Central Guristas Transmitter site

  • We have removed the clouds from the Central Angel Survey site.

Character Creation

  • An issue with the character model not appearing within the Customization screen has been fixed.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.6Released on Thursday, June 13th 2013



  • Hacking and relic sites now despawn properly and lag noticed by a couple of users when a hacking game ended should no longer be felt

  • An issue with exploration objects being left in space after the site has despawned has been fixed.

  • The Show Anomalies checkbox will now persist its state correctly on closing/opening the Probe Scanner window.

User Interface

  • The scanner window will show the correct distance to single probe and pre-loaded results.

  • It is again possible to open the window for editing corp member details of Dust characters.

  • When jumping through a gate with tracking camera on, the camera will now always focus on the next gate in route.

  • A bug where a ship didn’t appear to go through the gate when it jumped with MWD has been fixed

  • When logging in in Captain’s Quarters, the button to enter ship hangar will now always have correct text (“Enter Ship Hangar” rather than “Enter Captain’s Quarters”)

  • Transactions for types that no longer exist will no longer stop the wallet transaction log from functioning


  • The Revenant has had its Secondary and Tertiary Carrier skill requirements lowered to Level 1 for consistency

Graphics General

  • Fixed a minor hole in the geometry of the Augoror cruiser

  • Resolved a number of graphical glitches caused by switching your display adapter

  • Removed the blinking lights from the Phoenix wreck



  • You can now ignore individual cosmic anomalies in the Probe Scanner window.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.5Released on Tuesday, June 11th 2013


Exploration & Hacking

  • Fixed an issue with relic and data sites appearing empty or despawning prematurely.

  • Site signatures no longer disappear after the sites have been partially completed.

  • Now all cans that contain loot have to be hacked or exploded for the site to despawn.

  • Fleet logs now show loot gathered from scattered mini containers.

  • Fixed an issue with hacking where the use of Utilities caused problems with exploring nodes.

Probe Scanning

  • Probes will now recall correctly on expiring while in space.

  • Resolved an issue where cosmic signatures would not work at 100% when using no filters / Show All.

User Interface

  • The Header in the Support Ticket window is not cut off anymore.

  • Resolved an issue where the client would display a black screen when undocking.

  • Mission NPCs that are not ‘Wanted’ will no longer give players useless +0.000% security status modifications

  • Fix for slow right-click menus (especially in the drone UI)

  • The sensor overlay no longer shows up when the UI is hidden

  • Fixed an issue where the "Trade" option was sometimes missing when right clicking a character in a station


  • Removed the generic "Destroyers" skill from few players that still had it and reimbursed the skill points spent on training it.


  • High detail planets now render correctly in pod death scenes.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.4Released on Monday, June 10th 2013



  • Scattering of containers now happens properly anywhere, in any direction, in the hemisphere occupied by the player that hacked the container.


  • A missing glow effect on the new Apocalypse has been fixed

  • The new Apocalypse design can now be seen in the Amarr station hangar traffic

  • Resolved a bug in the accuracy of stargate model collision

  • Resolved a bug in the model rotation of the Rorqual when in 'industrial core' mode

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.3Released on Friday, June 7th 2013


Agents & Tutorials

  • Players who accepted the Advanced Military Career agent chain prior to Odyssey shipping will have their mission arc reset. This is to prevent them being granted the generic destroyer skill as a mission reward. See here for more information.

  • Removed a number of mini-profession NPCs that are no longer used.

  • Instructed all career agents to give out the correct Racial Destroyer skillbook rather than the generic one.


  • Moved a number of loot containers in Angel Ruins sites to their proper locations.

  • Moved a number of loot containers in Decayed Sansha Mass Grave sites to their proper locations.


  • Thumbnail icons for ships and modules should now appear properly.

  • Fixed a black screen issue when undocking or jumping through a stargate.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing items to appear too shiny in the 3D preview window.

  • The Rorqual should now rotate properly when deployed.

  • Fixed an issue with decals on the Megathron.


  • Caldari Battlecruiser and Destroyer skills are now properly applied in game.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause the camera view to reset.

  • Overviews should now load properly after a session change.

  • Fixed several small user interface issues.

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.2Released on Thursday, June 6th 2013


User Interface

  • Fleet tagging is no longer causing blocking info windows when using it without proper fleet roles.

  • It is again possible to use the “sell this item” and “create contract” options in corp hangars in stations.

  • The camera zoom distance you docked with is now once again retained at undocking  

  • An issue has been fixed that stopped the right-click menu from opening on your ship in the Station Hangar

  • An issue in which the navigation text “Aligning” got stuck on the HUD after changing systems has now been resolved

  • The racial battleship skill in the group view and show info for Battleships has been fixed to now link to the correct racial battleship skill.

  • Cosmic anomalies are now correctly removed when they despawn

  • Base standing was showing higher values than the effective standing in cases where players had reached 9.99 in standing or greater.

  • Players that previously had 10.00 in standing but got dropped to 9.99 will now in most cases see a 10.00 again.


  • Your ship will now be visible after jumping through a stargate in planetary view.

  • There is now a graphical effect on archaeology containers while using the analyzer module on it.

  • Fixed an issue where the 3D preview of all factional turrets and launchers look the same


  • Fixed bug that made it impossible to invent tech II Survey Probe Launchers

  • Fixed bug that made it impossible to invent some Tech II Capital Rigs

  • Some Capital Rig Blueprints had too short research times. This has been fixed.


  • Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump II and Capital Nanobot Accelerator II have had their calibration cost increased from 100 to 150


  • Probes no longer uncloak ships


  • Negotiation and Contracting skillbooks were missing from Hacking tutorial. This has been fixed

Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.1Released on Wednesday, June 5th 2013


User Interface

  • In some rare cases the Overview contents and brackets were not populating after Jumping. To ensure this does not happen we have removed the fading in/out effect from the Overview and brackets

  • An issue in which the text 'Warp Drive Active' on some occasions did not display has now been resolved

  • An issue which blocked the ability to launch drones via the Selected Item window has been resolved

Exploration & Deadspace

  • Removed ice from certain 0.0 cosmos sites and fixed the “Digital Convolution” site by doing this.

  • An issue with the Business Career mission, Balancing the Books 4/10 has been fixed.

  • An issue with some Hacking and Archaeology containers getting stuck in a ‘being used’ state has been fixed.


  • Players who did not correctly receive the new Caldari Battlecruiser or Caldari Destroyer skill will have those skills applied. This will also fix an issue where players had the correct skills, but at Level 0.

  • Players should no longer see the generic Battlecruiser and Destroyer skill in their character sheet or skill queue, when the “show all skills” option is enabled in the character sheet.

Probe Scanning

  • Cosmic anomalies are no longer cleared from the scanner window when you switch ships


  • Negotiation and Contracting are now correctly rewarded for completing the hacking tutorial


User Interface

  • Removed the unused ‘Sell This Item’ and ‘Create Contract’ menu options when right-clicking on an item in a Corporate Hangar Array or Personal Hangar Array

Market & Contracts            

  • Battleship blueprint originals have been reseeded at a price, corresponding to recent EVE Odyssey balance changes.

Patch Notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0Released on Tuesday, June 4th, 2013



  • New 10th Anniversary EVE track for the character selection screen.

  • 5 new RealX music tracks added for low security space.

  • Audio for new jumping, undocking and podding transitions.

  • New atmospheric sounds added to wormhole space.

  • Added new radial menu audio.

  • Exploration and hacking sound effects have been replaced with new audio.

  • New microwarpdrive and afterburner sound effects have been added - they each now have their own distinctive sound.

  • New scanner audio has been added for the new system scanner.

  • Hangar atmosphere has been improved with three new audio soundscapes, small, medium and large, that relate to the number of players docked.

Content Visual Redesign

  • A complete redesign for the Apocalypse and it‘s factional variants. 


  • A new way to increase a character's Security Status is now available -  Tags-for-security-status: See this dev blog for details.

  • Added new NPC pirates to asteroid belts in low-security space. These NPCs are pirates involved with the clone mercenaries of DUST 514. They are especially wanted by CONCORD, and will drop tags when they are destroyed.

  • The new tags dropped by these NPCs can be taken to CONCORD and DED stations in low security space. They can then be turned-in (along with an ISK fee) using the new 'Security Office' station service. In return, you will be awarded an increase in security status.

  • The locations of these offices can be shown on the star map by selecting the Services -> Security Offices filter.

  • Alternatively, you can sell the tags to CONCORD for an ISK reward, or to other players on the open market.

  • In your character sheet, we have split CONCORD standings from the Security Status attribute. Your Security Status will remain the unchanged, but all characters' CONCORD standings are being reset to zero. All associated gameplay features will use the Security Status attribute (Criminal punishments in high/low sec, police spawns for outlaws in high-sec, etc).


New decryptors have been added.

  • Occult Parity, Esoteric Parity, Incognito Parity and Cryptic Parity.

  • Probability Multiplier: +50%.

  • Max. Run Modifier: +3.

  • Mineral Efficiency Modifier: +1.

  • Production Efficiency Modifier: -1.

  • Optimized Occult Attainment, Optimized Esoteric Attainment, Optimized Incognito Attainment and Optimized Cryptic Attainment.

  • Probability Multiplier: +90%.

  • Max. Run Modifier: +2.

  • Mineral Efficiency Modifier: +1

  • Production Efficiency Modifier: -1

  • Optimized Occult Augmentation, Optimized Esoteric Augmentation, Optimized Incognito Augmentation and Optimized Cryptic Augmentation.

  • Probability Multiplier: -10%.

  • Max. Run Modifier: +7.

  • Mineral Efficiency Modifier: +2

  • Production Efficiency Modifier: 0

Dual Character Training

  • Players now have the possibility to train two characters at once on the same account by spending one PLEX.

  • Dual Character Training may be activated through the Account Management page or by right-clicking a PLEX in-game.

  • Enabling this feature will allow two characters to be trained on the same account for 30 days.

  • It doesn’t matter which individual characters are trained as long as the simultaneous limit of two characters is not bypassed.

  • When Dual Character Training expires, the character training with the least skill points available will be stopped.

  • It is not currently possible to stack up Dual Character Training for more than 30 days on the same account (to renew Dual Character Training, you will have to wait the last 7 days before it expires).

  • Dual Character Training time is not to be confused with account main game time.

  • If your standard account subscription runs out while having Dual Character Training time left, that amount will be paused and stored until the account is reactivated

  • Please refer to the Dual Character Training Dev Blog for more information.


  • Two new structures for use in hacking dungeons added.

  • Two new ships for use in archeology dungeons added.

  • Five mini-containers used with archeology and hacking containers added .

  • New mini-tractor beam effect used with hacking and archeology containers added.

  • “Hacking” sites have been renamed Data Sites. The cans within have been replaced with a more fitting data structure.

  • “Archaeology” sites have been renamed Relic Sites. The cans within have been replaced with a more fitting derelict ship structure.

  • All sites have had some interior decorating to accommodate the new containers.

  • Removed all clouds from the Hacking and Archaeology sites to resolve the FPS issues.

  • Removed all NPC’s from Hacking and Archaeology sites, with the exception of Wormhole and Nullsec sites.

  • All profession cans now have a lock that needs to be broken through gameplay.

  • Loot from the profession container is distributed using the scattering mechanic.

  • Introduction of new items on the loot table, such as capital rigs and faction tower BPCs.

Image Export Collection Rewrite

  • New visuals for Blueprint icons.

Immersive Travel Transitions

  • New graphical effects for jumping through Jump-gates, Titan bridges, POS bridges, Wormholes and Cyno.

  • New graphical effects warning you that you are about to undock from Hangars.

  • Jump-gates are now using the latest V3 materials and effects, re-textured and with new jump effects. The jump-in effect itself is now more subtle then before the transitions where added.


  • Capital rigs have been added.

  • A capital sized version of each rig has been added.

  • Capital ships will now require capital rigs instead of large rigs.

  • Large rigs already fitted to capital ships will remain and continue to provide their bonus.

  • Capital rigs cost 5 times as much materials to create as large rigs.

  • Tech I BPOs are sold by NPC corporations like current rig BPOs.

  • Tech II BPCs can be invented or found in Relic sites.

  • New Scanning Upgrade modules have been added.

  • Scan Acquisition Array I reduces the scan time of scan probes by 10% (only 1 can be fitted to each ship).

  • Scan Acquisition Array II reduces the scan time of scan probes by 20% (only 1 can be fitted to each ship).

  • Scan Pinpointing Array I reduces the scan deviation when scanning with scan probes by 10%.

  • Scan Pinpointing Array II reduces the scan deviation when scanning with scan probes by 20%.

  • Scan Rangefinding Array I increases the scan strength of scan probes by 5%.

  • Scan Rangefinding Array II increases the scan strength of scan probes by 10%.

  • Tech I BPOs are sold by NPC corporations.

  • Tech II BPCs can be invented.

  • The Survey Probe Launcher has been added.

  • This module launches Survey Probes. Other probe launchers will no longer be able to launch survey probes.

  • Tech I BPOs are sold by NPC corporations.

  • Tech II BPCs can be invented.

New ships

  • As part of Odyssey we are introducing four new Navy Battlecruisers to bolster each of the four Empire Fleets.

  • The new Navy Battlecruisers will be available on LP stores for:

  • Regular corporation LP stores, blueprint offer: 200,000 LPs plus 100 million ISK for 1 run blueprint copy (BPC).

  • Regular corporation LP stores, built ship offer: 250,000 LPs plus 1x built tech1 Battlecruiser plus two Cruiser sized Nexus Chips.

  • FW Loyalty Point stores, blueprint offer: for 100,000 LPs plus 10m ISK for 1 run BPC.

  • FW Loyalty Point Stores, built ship offer: 100,000 LPs plus 1x built tech1 Battlecruiser plus two Cruiser sized Nexus Chips.


  • Amarr Battlecruiser skill bonuses: +10% medium energy turret damage and +7.5% to medium energy turret tracking per level.

  • Slot layout: 7 H, 5 M, 6 L, 6 turrets, 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1495 PWG, 410 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / shield recharge time (s) / armor / hull) : 4500 / 1800s / 7500 / 6750.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 3125 / 822 s / 3.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 150 / 0.69 / 13800000 / 13.2 s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 55km / 210 / 6.

  • Sensor strength: 21 Radar.

  • Signature radius: 270.


  • Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonuses: +10% to heavy missile and heavy assault missile velocity and 5% bonus to explosion radius of heavy missile and heavy assault missile per level.

  • Slot layout: 8 H, 6 M, 4 L, 0 turrets, 8 launchers.

  • Fittings: 900 PWG, 550 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / shield recharge time (s) / armor / hull) : 7875 / 1800 / 4875 / 5625.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 2500 / 658 s / 3.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 150 / 0.64 / 13329000 / 11.8 s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 60km / 195 / 8.

  • Sensor strength: 23 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 295.


  • Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonuses: +10% to medium hybrid turret damage and 7.5% bonus to medium hybrid turret tracking per level.

  • Slot layout: 7 H, 4 M, 7 L, 6 turrets, 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1235 PWG, 455 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / shield recharge time (s) / armor / hull): 5250 / 1800 / 6750 / 7125.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 3000 / 789 s / 3.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 155 / 0.704 / 11875000 / 11.6 s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 55km / 200 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 22 Magnetometric.

  • Signature radius: 305.


  • Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonuses: +5% to medium projectile damage and 5% bonus to medium projectile rate of fire per level.

  • Slot layout: 8 H, 4 M, 6 L, 6 turrets, 3 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1350 PWG, 420 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / shield recharge time (s) / armor / hull): 6375 / 1800 / 6750 / 5250.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 2250 / 592 s / 3.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 165 / 0.704 / 12500000 / 12.2 s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 30 / 30.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 220 / 6.

  • Sensor strength: 20 Ladar.

  • Signature radius: 250.

  • Adding a new capsule: "Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant" for the Collector's Edition Box reward.

Performance & Optimizations

  • GPU & CPU particle system improvements.

Probe Scanning

  • Probe Formations have been added to the Probe Scanning

  • Spread Formation (probes aligned to cover a large area).

  • Pinpoint Formation (probes aligned to focus on one point).

  • The formations only work if you have 8 probes in space.

  • When you launching probes with your probe launcher, the probes will automatically assemble their last pattern.

  • The pattern only persists as long as your EVE client stays open.

  • The Probe Scanning window now shows how many scan results have been filtered out and ignored.

  • When a scan result reaches 100%, a warp-to button appears in the scan results list that warps you to 0 when pressed.


  • The new Personal Hangar Array structure has been added. Designed for secure storage of smaller high value items in starbases, the PHA can hold 50k m3 of items for each character that uses it. There is no limit to the number of characters that can store items in the PHA. When accessing the PHA a character will only see their own items, not the items belonging to anyone else. When the structure is unanchored all items within the PHA are lost.

State Machine for Graphics

  • Added new client-side animation state machine for graphics.

V3+ Technology

  • Plane Sets now use instanced rendering, improving rendering performance.


Agents & Missions

  • The agents Christer Fuglesang and Jeremy Tacs now work for Interbus instead of CONCORD. Their locations are unchanged.

  • The career agent missions and tutorials have been updated with the changes coming in Odyssey.


  • All clone costs have been decreased by 30%.


Decryptors now have a new naming scheme. A full list of changes follows:

  • Amarr Decryptors

  • Class Doctrine = Occult Accelerant.

  • War Strategon = Occult Attainment.

  • Circular Logic = Occult Augmentation.

  • Formation Layout = Occult Process.

  • Sacred Manifesto = Occult Symmetry.

  • Caldari Decryptors

  • Prototype Diagram = Esoteric Accelerant.

  • Installation Guide = Esoteric Attainment.

  • Interface Alignment Chart = Esoteric Augmentation.

  • Tuning Instructions = Esoteric Process.

  • User Manual = Esoteric Symmetry.

  • Gallente Decryptors

  • Test Reports = Incognito Accelerant.

  • Stolen Formulas = Incognito Attainment.

  • Symbiotic Figures = Incognito Augmentation.

  • Collision Measurements = Incognito Process.

  • Engagement Plan = Incognito Symmetry.

  • Minmatar Decryptors

  • Advanced Theories = Cryptic Accelerant.

  • Assembly Instructions = Cryptic Attainment.

  • Circuitry Schematics = Cryptic Augmentation.

  • Calibration Data = Cryptic Process.

  • Operation Handbook = Cryptic Symmetry.


  • Logistic drones now show 'Repairing' instead of 'Incapacitated' in the drone management window when they are engaging a target.


  • Districts will now be in an online-unlocked state when captured, instead of online-locked.

Exploration & Deadspace

  • Strategic Cruisers have been removed from the list of ships allowed to enter 3/10 and 4/10 complexes.

  • Randomly spawned large asteroids have been removed from wormhole mining sites.

  • 4/10 DED Complexes no longer allow Strategic Cruisers to enter.

  • All high quality nullsec combat anomalies now contain at least one NPC that warp scrambles.

  • Some NPCs in Hubs have been converted into the more advanced Elite Frigates and Cruisers to increase their difficulty slightly.

  • Some Elite Frigates have been removed from Sanctums and replaced by NPC Battlecruisers to increase the isk gain and reduce the time they take to complete for battleships.

Ice Harvesting

We are making extensive changes to Ice harvesting in Odyssey, to transform the Ice harvesting profession into a higher value form of mining with higher competition.

  • All static ice belts have been removed, and replaced with ice anomalies that will always spawn in the same systems that previously had the belts. These anomalies will respawn in the same system four hours after they are completed.

The composition of these anomalies will be as follows:

  • Highsec

  • 2500 units of standard racial ice.

  • Lowsec

  • 3000 units of standard racial ice.

  • 400 units of Glare Crust.

  • Nullsec with weak truesec (0.0 to -0.5)

  • 3000 units of improved racial ice.

  • 400 units of Glare Crust.

  • 500 units of Dak Glitter.

  • 200 units of Gelidus.

  • Nullsec with strong truesec (-0.5 to -1.0)

  • 3500 units of improved racial ice.

  • 1000 units of Dark Glitter.

  • 400 units of Glare Crust.

  • 200 units of Gelidus.

  • 250 units of Krystallos

We're also adjusting the composition of Krystallos to bring its value in line with its rarity and help ensure enough ozone supply. The new composition of a block of Krystallos is now:

  • Heavy Water: 125 (+25).

  • Liquid Ozone: 500 (+250).

  • Stront: 125 (+25).

Every system that previously contained a static ice belt will contain the new ice anomalies, with the exception of some high security systems in Amarr, Khanid and Ammatar territory. The complete list of high security systems that will contain Clear Icicle anomalies is: Afivad, Agal, Avada, Bashakru, Chanoun, Dantan, Dihra, Erkinen, Esteban, Gamis, Gelhan, Gosalav, Jarzalad, Jerma, Kothe, Manatirid, Miah, Moutid, Ordion, Raravoss, Riavayed, Seil, Talidal, Warouh.

  • In conjunction with these other Ice changes, we are also doubling the cycle speed of all Ice Harvester modules to increase yield over time.

  • Hidden Asteroid Belt signatures have been changed to anomalies, and can be found in the scanner overlay.


  • Hardwiring implants now have bonuses to virus coherence.

LP Stores

  • As part of the removal of tiers within the Battleship class (also named “Tiericide” by our playerbase), LP costs for Navy Battleship offers is being unified.

  • Former tier1 Navy Battleships offers (Armageddon Navy Issue, Scorpion Navy Issue, Dominix Navy Issue, Typhoon Fleet Issue) have had their LP cost increased to 250,000 LPs in the Factional Warfare LP Stores.

Market & Contracts

  • All Market player orders containing the old Destroyers or Battlecruisers skill will be reimbursed at NPC sell price at the time of Odyssey deployment.

  • The old Destroyers and Battlecruisers skill will be replaced by Caldari Destroyer and Caldari Battlecruiser in open player Contracts at the time of Odyssey deployment.


  • Some older bracket pointers in tutorials have been fixed.

  • Added combat shortcuts for tagging objects while in fleet. Supports tagging from predefined sequences of tags.


  • You can now group civilian weapon modules.

  • The cycle time of all Ice Harvester modules has been halved, doubling the speed of ice mining.

  • It is now possible (again) to activate a Warp Disruption Field Generator directly after decloaking.

  • Tracking Enhancers have had their Falloff and Optimal Range bonuses reduced. See this thread for more information.

  • Remote Sensor Boosters have had their Scan Resolution bonus reduced, and in some cases their Targeting Range bonus increased. See this thread for more information.

  • Navy Cap Boosters are now available in sizes of 25, 50 and 75, which are available through FW LP Stores.

  • Navy Cap Booster 100 and 150 are now more expensive when purchased in the LP Store.

  • XL blasters now have 15% reduced tracking, and have had 10km removed from optimal range and added to falloff.

  • XL autocannons now have 10% reduced tracking.

  • XL pulse lasers now have 6.66% increased optimal range.

  • Siege Modules now no longer apply an explosion velocity penalty to citadel missiles.

  • Cruise missiles have been overhauled to be a viable weapon system in actual combat.

  • Rate of Fire on all Cruise Missile Launchers has been increased by 5% (as clarification, that means they shoot more often, not less).

  • All Cruise Missile Launcher powergrid needs have been increased by 200.

  • Base velocity for all Cruise Missiles has been increased from 3750m/s to 4700m/s.

  • Base flight time for all Cruise Missiles has been reduced from 20 to 14 seconds.

  • All Cruise Missile damage has been approximately increased by 25%.

  • To compensate, all Cruise Missiles explosion radius has been increased by 10% (meaning they will hit smaller targets for less damage).

  • Large Energy Turrets have been tweaked to be easier to use as a whole:

  • Capacitor needs on Large Pulse Laser Turrets has been decreased by 10%.

  • Capacitor needs on Large Beam Laser Turrets has been decreased by 20%.

  • Powergrid needs on Large Beam Lasers has been decreased by 10%.

  • Core Probe Launchers and Expanded Probe Launchers are no longer able to launch Survey Probes.

  • Survey Probes will now be launched from the new Survey Probe Launcher.

  • Codebreakers have been renamed to Data Analyzers.

  • Analyzers are now called Relic Analyzers.

Moon Minerals and Tech 2 Production

To better distribute the demand for moon minerals, we have created two new Intermediate Materials, four new Composites, and rebalanced certain T2 Construction Component blueprint requirements.

  • New Intermediate Materials: Thulium Hafnite: 100 Thulium + 100 Hafnium = 200 Thulium Hafnite Promethium Mercurite: 100 Promethium + 100 Mercury = 200 Promethium Mercurite.

Both of these reactions will have alchemy versions as well:

  • 100 Vanadium + 100 Hafnium = 1 Unrefined Thulium Hafnite = 40 Thulium Hafnite and 95 Hafnium.

  • 100 Chromium + 100 Mercury = 1 Unrefined Promethium Mercurite = 40 Promethium Mercurite and 95 Mercury.

New Composites:

  • Photonic Metamaterials (Used in Gallente manufacturing): 100 Thulium Hafnite + 100 Crystallite Alloy = 300 Photonic Metamaterials.

  • Plasmonic Metamaterials (Used in Minmatar manufacturing): 100 Neo Mercurite + 100 Fernite Alloy = 300 Plasmonic Metamaterials.

  • Terahertz Metamaterials (Used in Amarr manufacturing): 100 Promethium Mercurite + 100 Rolled Tungsten Alloy = 300 Terahertz Metamaterials.

  • Nonlinear Metamaterials (Used in Caldari manufacturing): 100 Ferrofluid + 100 Titanium Chromide = 300 Nonlinear Metamaterials.

The requirements for the changed blueprints are:

  • All Non Capital Microprocessors: 15 (+3) Racial Carbides, 5 (+4) Phenolic Composites, 2 (-3) Nanotransitors, 2 (+2) New Racial Metamaterials.

  • All Non Capital Capacitor Units: 24 Racial Carbides, 10 (-5) Fullerides, 1 Nanotransistor, 2 (+2) New Racial Metamaterials.

  • All Non Capital Reactor Units: 8 Racial Carbides, 0 (-1) Ferrogel, 2 (+1) Fermionic Condensates.

  • All Capital Microprocessors: 1500 (+300) Racial Carbides, 50 (+40) Phenolic Composites, 20 (-30) Nanotransitors, 20 (+20) New Racial Metamaterials.

  • All Capital Capacitor Units: 2000 Racial Carbides, 1000 Fullerides, 10 Nanotransistors, 20 (+20) New Racial Metamaterials.

  • All Capital Reactor Units: 800 Racial Carbides, 0 (-10) Ferrogel, 20 (+10) Fermionic Condensates.

  • Rarity 64 minerals have been seeded into 227 existing moons in lowsec and 0.0, to bring the number of minable moons for each R64 into closer alignment.


  • Updated the skins on the Khanid Warbird, Khanid Sparrow, Thukker Mercenary Rookie, Mordus Katana and Mordus Bounty Hunter to match their correct faction.

  • Kyan Magdesh has abandoned the shrinking ice field in Barkrik and set up a new base of operations in the top asteroid belt instead.

  • Rogue Drone Officers now spawn in more systems.

Ore Mining

We are adjusting the composition of several types of Ore that is found in low and null-security space. These changes help increase the reward for pilots mining in dangerous space. The volume of minerals obtained from these ores for each refine batch are:

  • Arkonor: 10000 Tritanium (+9700), 166 Zydrine, 333 Megacyte.

  • Bistot: 12000 Pyerite (+11830), 341 Zydrine, 170 Megacyte.

  • Crokite: 38000 Tritanium (+37669), 331 Nocxium, 663 Zydrine.

  • Dark Ochre: 25500 Tritanium (+25250), 500 Nocxium, 250 Zydrine.

  • Gneiss: 3700 Tritanium (+3529), 3700 Mexallon (+3529), 700 Isogen (+357), 171 Zydrine.

  • Spodumain: 71000 Tritanium (+67810), 9000 Pyerite (+8590), 140 Megacyte.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

To encourage more industrial activity in player-owned nullsec space, we are increasing the number of facilities in player-built outposts significantly. This involves changes to the base outposts as well as the outpost upgrades. Only the changed stats are found below.

For the upgrades, listed stats are in the format of: Basic level benefit (change), Standard level benefit (change), Advanced level benefit (change). The extra S&I slots will be added to existing Outposts according to any upgrades that have been installed. Any extra slots will initially have cost of zero. Station managers will need to set their prices for the new slots as desired.

Caldari Research Outpost:

  • Manufacturing: 5 (+3).

  • Copying: 20 (+10).

  • ME Research: 20 (+10).

  • PE Research: 20 (+10).

  • Invention: 20 (+10).

  • Reverse Engineering: 30 (+15).

  • Offices: 18 (+10).

  • Caldari Factory Upgrade: 5(+2), 10(+5), 15(+8) Manufacturing lines.

  • Caldari Lab Upgrade: 10(+5), 20(+15), 30(+21) Copying, ME, PE slots.

  • Caldari Research Upgrade: 10(+5), 20(+13), 30(+21) Invention slots.

  • Caldari Office Upgrade: 10(+7), 15(+10), 20(+13) Offices.

Amarr Factory Outpost:

  • Manufacturing: 50 (+30).

  • Copying: 2 (+1).

  • ME Research: 2 (+1).

  • PE Research: 2 (+1)

  • Offices: 16 (+12).

  • Amarr Factory Upgrade: 20(+15), 40(+33), 60(+51) Manufacturing lines.

  • Amarr Plant Upgrade: 20(+17), 40(+35), 60(+53) Manufacturing lines.

  • Amarr Lab Upgrade: 3(+5), 5(+13), 7(+21) Copying, ME, PE slots.

  • Amarr Office Upgrade: 10(+7), 15(+11), 20(+13) Offices.

Minmatar Service Outpost:

  • Manufacturing: 5 (+3).

  • Offices: 10 (+4).

  • Minmatar Plant Upgrade: 10(+7), 15(+10), 20(+13) Manufacturing lines.

  • Minmatar Lab Upgrade: 3(+1), 5(+2), 7(+3) Copying, ME, PE slots.

  • Minmatar Office Upgrade: 5(+2), 7(+2), 10(+3) Offices.

Gallente Administrative Outpost

  • Manufacturing: 10 (+6).

  • Copying: 4 (+3).

  • ME Research: 4 (+2).

  • PE Research: 4 (+2).

  • Invention: 2 (+1).

  • Offices: 36 (+12).

  • Gallente Plant Upgrade: 5(+2), 10(+5), 15(+8) Manufacturing lines.

  • Gallente Lab Upgrade: 5(+3), 7(+4), 10(+6) Copying, ME, PE slots.

  • Gallente Office Upgrade: 12(+7), 24(+17), 36(+27) Offices.

  • The range for interacting with structures linked to a Control Tower has been increased. If your ship is within the shield radius of the tower, all structures are available for inventory operations as though you. were adjacent to the structures themselves. This includes structures that must be mounted outside of the shields such as turrets/batteries/lasers. (Normal role-based restrictions will continue to apply at all times).

  • The arrows used to select the location of anchoring structures now scale with your zoom level so they are more usable when zoomed out.

  • Capital Ship Maintenance Arrays have been renamed X-Large Ship Maintenance Arrays and can now be anchored in any system of 0.4 or lower security status, regardless of sovereignty.

  • It is now possible to repackage undamaged modules and drones in Corporate Hangar Arrays.

  • Fresh client installs will now default to the Ship Hangar rather than the Captain's Quarters.

Probes & Scanning

  • The default method for moving and resizing probes is now all probes at once, rather than one at a time.

  • Probe Launchers now launch all their probes at once (up to a limit of 8 probes).

  • Holding Shift will allow you to manipulate individual probes.

  • Celestial Brackets will no longer prevent you from moving probes around in solar systen view.

  • Recalling probes now returns them to your cargohold instantly.

  • Instant recall also happens automatically when your ship jumps or docks and when your probes in-space timer runs out.

  • Scan Results in the Probe Scanning window are now displayed as a progress bar.

  • Deep Space Probes have been removed.

  • All existing Deep Space Probes and their blueprints are now Combat Probes.


  • Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures have been renamed:

  • Unknown has been split into 2 groups; Combat Site and Wormhole.

  • Gravimetric signatures are now called Ore Site.

  • Magnetometric signatures are now called Relic Site.

  • Radar signatures are now called Data Site.

  • Ladar signatures are now called Gas Site.

  • Salvaging sites have been removed.

  • Distribution of Data Sites and Relic Sites have been increased so that the total number of profession sites you can find remains the same.

  • Salvage drops in Relic Sites have been increased to compensate and preserve the supply of Salvage Materials.

  • Containers in Relic Sites can now drop Tech II capital rig BPCs

  • Containers in Relic Sites can now drop Spatial Attunement Units, which are needed to build tech II Scanning Upgrades (see above under Features -> Modules)

  • Containers in Data Sites can now drop new types of decryptors (see above under Features -> Decryptors)

  • Containers in both Data and Relic sites can now drop BPCs for pirate faction POS towers and POS modules

Science and Industry

  • Krystallos has had its Strontium Clathrates and Heavy Water quantities increased by 25%, and its Liquid Ozone quantity doubled.

  • As part of the removal of tiers within the Battleship class (also named “Tiericide” by our playerbase), build cost for Tech1 and Navy Battleships is being unified.

  • Attack and Disruption Battleships base mineral price has been increased to be around 100-125m ISK (includes the Apocalypse, Scorpion, Raven, Megathron, Typhoon, Tempest).

  • Combat Battleships base mineral price stays roughly state the same at 150-180m ISK (includes the Armageddon, Abaddon, Rokh, Dominix, Hyperion, Maelstorm).

  • Build cost of Navy Battleships has been changed on a similar fashion.

  • The roles required to cancel a corporation job have changed. The only people who will now be able to cancel a corporation job will be:

  • The person who started the job.

  • A director within the corporation.


  • Federation Navy Comet now has the same assembled volume as other Navy Frigates.

  • The Magnate, Heron, Imicus and Probe now give a bonus to virus strength for both Data Analyzers and Relic Analyzers. This replaces their previous bonus to access chance.

  • The insurance cost and payout for the Sarum Magnate have been adjusted to be inline with the Magnate. This change will come into effect a few days after Odyssey goes live.

  • Tech I exploration frigates now have a +5 bonus to your Data and Relic Analyzer Strength

  • Tech II covert ops frigates now have a +10 bonus to your Data and Relic Analyzer Strength

  • Tech III Emergent Locus Analyzer electronic subsystems now have a +10 bonus to your Data and Relic Analyzer Strength

  • The Echelon now has +10 bonus to your Data and Relic Analyzer Strength

Ship Balancing

  • Exact changes mentioned below. Number in parenthesis (+/-) reflect changes next to previous Tranquility attributes for quick comparison.

  • All Navy Ships have had their Rig Calibration increased from 350 to 400 (this includes the Imperial Navy Slicer, Caldari Navy Hookbill, Federation Navy Comet, Republic Fleet Firetail, Augoror Navy Issue, Omen Navy Issue, Osprey Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Exequror Navy Issue, Vexory Navy Issue, Bellicose Fleet Issue, Stabber Fleet Issue, Armageddon Navy Issue, Apocalypse Navy Issue, Scorpion Navy Issue, Raven Navy Issue, Dominix Navy Issue, Megathron Navy Issue, Typhoon Fleet Issue and Tempest Fleet Issue)

  • All ship passive resistance bonuses have been decreased from 5% to 4% per level to make active tanking more viable in combat. This change affects 44 ships in total (Ibis, Taipan, Merlin, Worm, Harpy, Cambion, Moa, Gila, Eagle, Onyx, Broadsword, Drake, Ferox, Nighthawk, Vulture, Tengu, Loki, Skiff, Mackinaw, Hulk, Rokh, Scorpion Navy Issue, Rattlesnake, Chimera, Wyvern, Impairor, Punisher, Vengeance, Malice, Malediction, Maller, Sacrilege, Mimir, Vangel, Devoter, Phobos, Prophecy, Absolution, Damnation, Loki, Legion, Proteus, Abaddon, Archon, Aeon)

  • Some tech1 frigates and cruisers balanced during Retribution and beforehand have been iterated upon based on player feedback and performance metrics.

  • This release overhauls 36 ships, and focuses on Navy Frigates, Navy Cruisers, Attack Battlecruisers, Battleships, Navy Battleships.

  • The Echelon now has +10 bonus to your Data and Relic Analyzer Strength.

  • Odyssey brings the third-step process on the ship rebalancing initiative.


  • +50 Armor.


  • +1 PWG.

  • +50 Armor.

  • +25 Capacitor.

  • +12.5 Cap Recharge Time.

  • Cap/s unchanged.

  • +15 Velocity.

  • +0.05 Agility.

  • -100000 Mass.

  • -0.24s Align time.


  • -25 Capacitor.

  • -32.5s Cap Recharge Time.

  • +0.222 Cap/s.


  • +50 Hull.


  • +15 Veloity.

  • -150000 Mass.

  • -0.48s Align time.


  • +1 PWG.

  • +50 Armor.


  • +50 Hull.


  • -2.5km Lock Range.

  • -85 Scan Resolution.

  • -1 Sensor Strength.


  • -70 Scan Resolution.

  • -1 Sensor Strength.


  • -2.5km Lock Range.

  • -70 Scan Resolution.

  • -1 Sensor Strength.


  • -85 Scan Resolution.

  • -1 Sensor Strength.

  • OMEN

  • -600,000 Mass.


  • Change falloff bonus from the 7.5% per level to the standard 10% per level.

  • +25m3 Dronebay and 25mbit bandwidth.


  • Amarr Frigate skill bonuses: +25% to small energy turret damage and +10% to small energy turret optimal range per level.

  • Slot layout: 3H, 2M, 5L; 2 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 50 (+3) PWG, 125 (+10) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 550 (-36) / 725 (+21) / 600 (+14).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 500 / 250 (-31.25) s / 2 (+0.2238).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 350 / 3.3 / 1003000 / 3.1s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km (+9) / 675 (+65) / 5 (+1).

  • Sensor strength: 11 Radar (+1).

  • Signature radius: 38.


  • Caldari Frigate bonuses: +20% to Kinetic missile damage, +10% to EM, Explosive and Thermal missile damage and +10% to missile velocity per level.

  • Slot layout: 3H, 5M, 2L; 0 turrets, 3 launchers.

  • Fittings: 37 PWG, 165 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 725 (+21) / 550 (+24) / 600 (+131).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 (+19) / 150 (-37.5) s / 2 (+0.5013).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 360 / 3.3 / 1081000 (+100000) / 3.34s (+0.31).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 45km (+10) / 600 (+50) / 5 (+1).

  • Sensor strength: 13 Gravimetric (+1).

  • Signature radius: 40.


  • Gallente Frigate bonuses: +7.5% to small hybrid turret tracking and +20% to small hybrid turret damage per level.

  • Slot layout: 3H, 3M, 4L; 2 turrets, 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 40 PWG, 160 (+8) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 575 (-11) / 700 (+56) / 750 (+176).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 400 (+35) / 200s (-34.38) / 2 (+0.4427).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 375 / 3.135 / 970000 / 2.85s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 30.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 37.5km (+5) / 650 (+30) / 5 (+1).

  • Sensor strength: 11 Magnetometric.

  • Signature radius: 42.


  • Frigate skill bonuses: +25% (+5%) to small projectile turret damage and +7.5% to small projectile turret tracking per level.

  • Slot layout: 3H, 4M, 3L; 2 turrets, 1 launchers.

  • Fittings: 40 (+1) PWG, 150 (+10) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 675 (+89) / 675 (+149) / 525 (+21).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 280 (+30) / 140s (-47.5) / 2 (+0.667).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 3.2 / 1098000 / 3.29s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 35km (+5) / 700 (+40) / 5 (+1).

  • Sensor strength: 10 Ladar (+1).

  • Signature radius: 35.


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage + 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret optimal range.

  • Slot layout: 5(-1) H, 3 M, 7 L, 4(-1) turrets.

  • Fittings: 965 PWG, 335 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1800(-416) / 2550(-463) / 2250(-428).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s(-500s).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1650(+25) / 520s(+55.9s) / 3.17(-0.3).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 265(+73) / 0.43(-0.11) / 10850000(-800,000) / 6.47s(-2.25).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(+25) / 50(+25).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 57.5km(+12.5) / 320(+27) / 7(-1).

  • Sensor strength: 17(+1) Radar.

  • Signature radius: 100(-12).

  • Cargo capacity: 400(+150).


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 10% bonus to Kinetic missile damage, 5% to Explosive, Thermal and EM missile damage + 10% bonus to Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Velocity.

  • Slot layout: 5(+1) H, 6(+1) M, 4(+1) L, 2 turrets, 4 launchers.

  • Fittings: 630(+90) PWG, 450(+85) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2550(+1143) / 1800(+850) / 2100(+903).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s(+100).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1450(+388) / 482.5s(+101.25) / 3(+0.2).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 260(+35) / 0.385 / 11780000(+1,000,000) / 6.29s(+0.54).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 60km(+7.5) / 310(-1) / 8(+2).

  • Sensor strength: 19(+3) Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 115(+3).

  • Cargo capacity: 460(-25).


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage + 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire.

  • Slot layout: 5 H(+1), 4 M(+1), 6 L(+1), 5(+1) turrets.

  • Fittings: 830(+70) PWG, 340(+60) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1800(+428) / 1950(+474) / 2550(+863).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s(-200).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1500(+125) / 490s(-1.25) / 3(+0.2).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 255(+7) / 0.4 (-0.037) / 11280000(-260,000) / 6.25s(-0.74).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25(+5) / 25(+5).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 47.5km / 325(+3) / 7(+1).

  • Sensor strength: 18(+3) Magnetometric.

  • Signature radius: 110(+2).

  • Cargo capacity: 465 (+200).


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire + 10% bonus to Missile damage.

  • Slot layout: 5(-1) H, 5(+1) M, 5(+2) L, 4(+1) Turrets, 4(+1) Launchers.

  • Fittings: 745 PWG, 400(+125) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2400(+1000) / 1950(+910) / 1950(+730).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s(-100).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1275(+213) / 425s(+43.75) / 3(+0.2).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 280(+10) / 0.44 / 10910000 / 6.65s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km(+12.5) / 345 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 16(+3) Ladar.

  • Signature radius: 90.

  • Cargo capacity: 440.


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 25% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage + 10% bonus to Armor hitpoints.

  • Slot layout: 5 H, 3 M, 7 L, 3 turrets (-2).

  • Fittings: 1150(+265) PWG, 320(+10) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1600(-450) / 3100(+287) / 2800 (+221).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s (-1000).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1500 / 475s(-16.25) / 3.157(+0.1).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 215(+51) / 0.48(-11) / 10650000 / 7.09s(-1.62s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 15.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 42.5km / 300(-28) / 7(+1).

  • Sensor strength: 19(+6) Radar.

  • Signature radius: 120(-12).

  • Cargo capacity: 480(+230).


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 5% bonus Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire + 5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile explosion radius.

  • Slot layout: 6 H, 5 M, 4 L, 0(-2) turrets, 6 launchers.

  • Fittings: 715 PWG(+35), 465(+50) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 3000(+187) / 1950 / 2250(-35).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s (-600).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1450(+75) / 482.5s(8.75) / 3(+0.2).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 210(+46) / 0.51(+0.09) / 9600000 / 6.79s(+1.2).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0(-15) / 0(-15).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 57.5km / 270(+28) / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 21(+3) Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 125(-5).

  • Cargo capacity: 450(+200).


  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 5% bonus to drone velocity and tracking + 10% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield.

  • Slot layout: 4 H(-1), 4 M(+1), 6 L, 2(-3) turrets.

  • Fittings: 800 PWG(+100), 310(+10) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1650(-635) / 3000(+539) / 3000(+187).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s(-550).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1500(+125) / 490s(-1.25) / 3.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 220(+40) / 0.44(-0.106) / 11310000(+400,000) / 6.9s(-1.36).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125(+25) / 200(+100).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 52.5km / 285(+9) / 7(+1).

  • Sensor strength: 20(+3) Magnetometric.

  • Signature radius: 135.

  • Cargo capacity: 460(+195).


  • Cargo capacity: 450(+75).

  • Signature radius: 100(+6).

  • Sensor strength: 18(+2) Ladar.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km / 305 / 6.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 250(+2) / 0.465(+0.02) / 10810000(+1,000,000) / 6.97s(+0.92).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 1275(+25) / 425s(-3.25) / 3(+0.08).

  • Shield Recharge Time: 1250s.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2250(+206) / 2700(-61) / 2250(-94).

  • Fittings: 950 PWG, 310(-2) CPU.

  • Slot layout: 5 H, 4 M, 6 L, 5 turrets, 3 launchers.

  • Cruiser skill bonuses: 5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret firing speed + 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret tracking speed.


  • Amarr Battlecruiser Skill Bonuses: -10% to large laser cap use and +5% to large laser damage.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 3M, 6L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1375 PWG, 345 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1575 / 2160 / 1980.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 3500 / 875s.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 200 / .495 (+.02) / 14760000 / 10.1s (+.4s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 220 (-20) / 6.

  • Sensor strength: 18 Radar.

  • Signature radius: 210 (+30).

  • NAGA

  • Caldari Battlecruiser Skill Bonuses: +5% to large hybrid turret damage and +10% to large hybrid turret optimal range.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 3L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 875 PWG, 425 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2160 / 1575 / 1755.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 2900 / 725s.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 195 / .525 (+.04) / 14760000 / 10.9s (+.8s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 200 (-20) / 8.

  • Sensor strength: 21 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 215 (+25).


  • Gallente Battlecruiser Skill Bonuses: +5% to large hybrid turret damage and +7.5% to large hybrid turret tracking speed.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 5L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1100 PWG, 360 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1750 / 1890 / 2160.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 3100 / 775s.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 220 / .45 / 15552000 (+1152000) / 9.7s (+.7s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 70km / 210 (-20) / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 20 Magnetometric.

  • Signature radius: 220 (+20).


  • Minmatar Battlecruiser Skill Bonuses: +5% to large projectile turret rate of fire and +5% to large projectile turret falloff.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 5M, 4L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 1000 PWG, 342 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1890 / 1800 / 1800.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 2700 / 675s.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 225 / .475 / 15228000 (+1128000) / 10s (+.7s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 60km / 230 (-20) / 6.

  • Sensor strength: 17 Ladar.

  • Signature radius: 195 (+25).


  • Amarr Battleship Skill Bonuses: +10% to Drone damage and Hit Points and +10% Energy Neutralizer and Energy Vampire range per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H(-1), 4M(+1), 7L(-1); 5 turrets(-2) , 5 launchers(+5).

  • Fittings: 13500 PWG(-3000), 550 CPU(+65).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6800(+1331) / 8500(+1859) / 8000(+1789).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second) : 6200(+887.5) / 1087s / 5.7.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 100(-5) / .13(+.002) / 105200000 / 18.96s (+.29).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 375(+250).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 110 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 21 Radar Sensor Strength (+4).

  • Signature radius: 450 (+80).


  • Amarr Battleship Skill Bonuses: +7.5% to Large Energy Turret optimal range and +7.5% Large Energy Turret tracking speed per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 7L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 21000 PWG(+500), 540 CPU(+35).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6000(-211) / 7000(-500) / 7000(+359).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 7000(-500) / 1002s(-152s) / 6.99 (+.49).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .119(-.017) / 97100000 / 16.02s (-2.29s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 73km(+5.5k) / 95 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 20 Radar Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 380(-20).


  • Amarr Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% to Large Energy Turret damage and +4% Armor resistances per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 7L; 8 turrets, 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 21000 PWG, 560 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7000 / 8500 / 8000.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 6375 / 1250s / 5.1.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 89 / .14 / 103200000 / 20.03s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 80km / 85 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 22 Radar Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 470.


  • Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses: 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength, 25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal and falloff range and 25% bonus to ECM Burst range per level.

  • Slot layout: 5H(-1), 8M, 5L(+1); 4 turrets , 4 launchers.

  • Fittings: 9000 PWG, 750 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7000(+359) / 5500 / 6500(+1031).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 94 / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 75 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 480.


  • Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire and +10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H(-1), 7M(+1), 5L; 4 turrets , 6 launchers.

  • Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1500), 750(+50) CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7000(-500) / 5800(-841) / 6400(-241).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1160s / 4.74.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .12(-.008) / 99300000 / 16.52s (-1.1s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 85 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 22 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 420(-50).

  • ROKH

  • Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses: +10% to large Hybrid Turret optimal range and +4% Shield resistances per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 5L; 8 turrets , 4 launchers.

  • Fittings: 15000 PWG, 780 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 8500 / 7000 / 7500.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 6000 / 1250s / 4.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 89 / .136 / 105300000 / 19.85s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 75 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 500.


  • Gallente Battleship Skill Bonuses: +10% Drone Damage, +10% Drone hitpoints, +10% Drone optimal range and Drone tracking speed and per level.

  • Slot layout: 6H, 5M, 7L; 6 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 10000 PWG(+1000), 600 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7200(+1731) / 8000(+1789) / 8500(+1859).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second) : 6000(+1000) / 1100s / 5.51.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 109 / .1254 / 100250000(+3150000) / 16.88s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 375.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 70km / 90 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 22 Magnetometric Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 465(+45).


  • Gallente Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire and +7.5% Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H(-1), 4M, 8L(+1); 7 turrets , 0 launchers(-2).

  • Fittings: 15500 PWG, 600 CPU(+50).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 6300(+89) / 6500(-141) / 7500.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 6000(+375) / 1150s / 5.02 (+.15).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 122(+7) / .114(-.0076) / 98400000 / 15.96s (-.63s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75(-50) / 75(-50).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 72.5km / 95 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 21 Magnetometric Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 380(-20).


  • Gallente Battleship Skill Bonuses: +10% Large Hybrid Turret damage and +7.5% Armor Repair amount per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H(-1), 5M, 7L(+1); 6 turrets , 1 launchers.

  • Fittings: 16000 PWG(+250), 600 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 7500 / 8000 / 8500.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second: 7200 / 1500s / 4.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 115 / .1178 / 100200000 / 16.36s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125(+25) / 175(+75).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 60km / 110 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 23 Magnetometric Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 485.


  • Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% to Cruise and Torpedo launcher rate of fire and +5% Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion velocity per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H(-1), 5M(+1), 7L; 6 turrets(+1) , 6 launchers(+1).

  • Fittings: 12500 PWG, 640 CPU(+40).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6500(+289) / 6000(+531) / 6000(-211).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second) : 5400(+400) / 1087s / 4.97 (+.3).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 130 / .11(-.006) / 100600000(-3000000) / 15.8s(-1.16s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 100(-125) / 125(-50).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km(+5k) / 115 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 19 Ladar Sensor Strength(+1).

  • Signature radius: 330(+10).


  • Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire and +5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 5M, 6L; 6 turrets , 4 launchers.

  • Fittings: 16000 PWG(+500), 550 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6800(-154) / 7000(+789) / 6800(+259).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second) : 5400(+87.5) / 1154s / 4.68.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 127(+7) / .116(-.004) / 99500000(-3800000) / 16.00s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 67.5km(+5k) / 100 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 20 Ladar Sensor Strength(+1).

  • Signature radius: 360(+20).


  • Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire and +7.5% bonus to Shield Boost Amount per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 5L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 21000 PWG, 640 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 8000 / 7500 / 7000.

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second) : 6000 / 1250s / 4.8.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 94 / .136 / 103600000 / 19.53s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 100 / 100.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 90 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 21 Ladar Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 460.


  • Amarr Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% Large Energy Turret rate of fire and -10% Large Energy Turret cap use per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 8L; 7 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 17500 PWG(+175), 560 CPU(+3).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 8500(+296.5) / 11500(+1539) / 10000(+684).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 6000(+687.5) / 1100s(+125s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 105 / .13(+.002) / 105200000 / 18.96s.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 200(+25).

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 70km(+5k) / 110 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 26 Radar Sensor Strength (+4.75).

  • Signature radius: 400 (+30).


  • Signature radius: 370(-30).

  • Sensor strength: 25 Radar Sensor Strength.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 76km(+8.5k) / 120(+1.25) / 7.

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 100.

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 120(+26) / .115(-.021) / 97100000(-2200000) / 15.48s(-3.24s).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 7000(-500) / 1000s(-154s).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 8000(-1316) / 10500(-750) / 10000(+39).

  • Fittings: 22000 PWG(+475), 580 CPU.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 8L; 8 turrets , 0 launchers(-2).

  • Amarr Battleship Skill Bonuses: +7.5% to Large Energy Turret optimal range and +7.5% Large Energy Turret tracking speed per level.


  • Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses: 5% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo rate of fire, 4% bonus to shield resistances per level.

  • Slot layout: 7H, 8M, 5L(+1); 4 turrets , 6 launchers.

  • Fittings: 11000 PWG(+650), 780 CPU(-7).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 11500(+1538.5) / 8500(+297) / 9000(+797).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 5500(+187.5) / 1100s(+12.5s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 103 / .125(+.009) / 103600000 / 17.95s(+1.29s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 75 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 30 Gravimetric.

  • Signature radius: 465(+35).


  • Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% bonus to Torpedo and Cruise Missile explosion radius, +10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 7M(+1), 5L; 0 turrets , 8 launchers(+1).

  • Fittings: 12000 PWG(+1075), 780 CPU(+45).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 10500(-750) / 8000(-1961) / 9500(-461).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 5900(+587.5) / 1150s(-4.875s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 123(+29) / .12(-.008) / 97300000(-2000000) / 16.19s(-1.43s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 100.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 105(-1.25) / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 28 Gravimetric(+.5).

  • Signature radius: 410(-50).


  • Gallente Battleship Skill Bonuses: +10% Drone Damage and Drone hitpoints and +5% Large Hybrid Turret damage per level.

  • Slot layout: 6H, 6M, 7L; 6 turrets , 0 launchers.

  • Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1100), 660 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 9500(+1296) / 11000(+1684) / 11000(+1039).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 5500(+250) / 1100s(+12.5s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 110(+1) / .12(-.0054) / 97100000 / 16.15s (-.72s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 400.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 70km / 90 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 27 Magnetometric Sensor Strength.

  • Signature radius: 455(+35).


  • Gallente Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire and +7.5% Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 4M, 8L; 7 turrets, 1 launchers(-1).

  • Fittings: 16275 PWG, 630 CPU(+25).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 9000(-316) / 9500(-461) / 10500(-750).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 6000 (+375) / 1150s(-4.875s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 130(+10) / .105 (-.005) / 98400000(-6800000) / 15.01s(-1.84s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 175.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 72.5km / 95 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 25 Magnetometric Sensor Strength (-1.25).

  • Signature radius: 385(-15).


  • Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonuses: +7.5% to Cruise and Torpedo launcher damage and +7.5% to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 5M(+1), 7L(-1); 6 turrets(+1) , 6 launchers(+1).

  • Fittings: 13000 PWG(-125), 660 CPU.

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 9500(+1296) / 9000(-316) / 9000(-316).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 5800(+800) / 1100s(+12.5s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 138(-5) / .11(-.0001) / 102600000 (-1000000) / 14.93s(-.059s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 200.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km(+5k) / 115 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 23 Ladar Sensor Strength(+.5).

  • Signature radius: 320.


  • Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonuses: +5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire and +5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage per level.

  • Slot layout: 8H, 5M, 7L; 6 turrets, 4 launchers.

  • Fittings: 17500 PWG(+450), 580 CPU(+3).

  • Defense (shields / armor / hull): 10200(+884) / 10800(+369) / 9000(-961).

  • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate): 5500(+187.5) / 1150s(-4.875s).

  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 130(-2) / .115(+.007) / 103300000 / 16.47s(+1s).

  • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 100.

  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 74km(+11.5km) / 100 / 7.

  • Sensor strength: 24 Ladar Sensor Strength(+.25).

  • Signature radius: 350(+10).


  • The “Hacking” skill now grants 10+ virus coherence per level.

  • The “Archaeology” skill now grants 10+ virus coherence per level.

  • The "Astrometrics" skill has been changed:

  • "Astrometrics" no longer alters the ability to launch probes.

  • "Astrometrics" now gives +5% scan strength per level, -5% max scan deviation per level and -5% scan probe scan time per leve.

  • "Astrometrics" is now a starting skill, and all new characters will receive this at level 1.

Ship Skill Changes

  • The generic Destroyers and Battlecruisers skills have been removed, and replaced by 4 racial variations each to be more consistent with the other Tech1 Spaceship Command skills. Reimbursement details below.

  • Battlecruisers skill: a pilot having at least a Racial Cruiser skill at 3 on top of Battlecruisers skill trained will receive the new Racial Battlecruiser skill at the same level than the old Battlecruisers skill.

  • Ex: a player having Amarr Cruiser at 3, plus Battlecruisers at 4 will receive the new Amarr Battlecruiser skill at 4.

  • Destroyers skill: a pilot having at least a Racial Frigate skill at 3 on top of Destroyers skill trained will receive the new Racial Destroyer skill at the same level than the old Destroyers skill.

  • Ex: a player having Gallente Frigate at 3, plus Destroyers at 5 will receive the new Gallente Destroyer skill at 5.

  • Progress between skill levels will be properly saved and duplicated among all the eligible skills. For instance, a player having 128,259 skill points in the Destroyers skill, plus Caldari and Minmatar Frigate at level 3 at the time of the reimbursement will properly receive the Caldari Destroyer and Minmatar Destroyer skills at 128,259 skill points.

  • Players having the Destroyers or Battlecruisers skill trained, but with no Racial Frigate or Racial Cruiser skill at least level 3 will have their skill points for both of the skills moved into a the skill point allocation pool.

  • Any player training Destroyers or Battlecruisers skills at the time of Odyssey deployment will have his or her training queue paused. We highly recommend not to train those skills when that happens or you may lose training time.

  • Skill training has been modified – it is now not required to know all the prerequisites of a particular skill to train it once it has been injected in your character head.

  • This has been done to allow players to keep training Spaceship Command skills they qualified for before the skill changes without having to train the new requirements.

  • No changes have been made to the skill injection system - all skill requirements need to be met before skills can be injected into your character's brain.

Ship Skill Requirement Changes

  • Rookie ships:

  • The Racial Frigate skill has been removed as a prerequisite of all Rookie Ships.

  • Navy Frigates:

  • All Navy Frigates now require their respective Racial Frigate skill at 2 instead of level 3.

  • Destroyers:

  • All destroyers now require Racial Destroyer skill at 1 instead of the old generic Destroyers skill.

  • The new Racial Destroyer skillbooks have the same training attributes, rank and cost as the previous generic Destroyers skill.

  • Racial Frigate level 3 requirement moved as a prerequisite to train the new Racial Destroyer skills.

  • Spaceship Command requirement for the Racial Destroyer reduced from 3 to 1.

  • Cruisers:

  • All Cruiser skills now require respective Racial Destroyer skill at 3 instead of Racial Frigate at 4 to be trained.

  • Spaceship Command skill requirement has been decreased from 3 to 2.

  • Navy Cruisers:

  • All Navy Cruisers now require respective Racial Cruiser at 2 instead of level 3-4.

  • Battlecruisers:

  • All Battlecruisers now require the Racial Battlecruiser skill at 1 instead of the old generic Battlecruisers skill.

  • The new Racial Battlecruiser skillbooks have the same training attributes, rank and cost as the previous generic Battlecruisers skill.

  • The Oracle, Naga, Talos and Tornado Racial Battlecruiser requirements have been reduced from 3 to 1 as part of the Tiericide initiative.

  • Racial Cruiser level3 requirements moved as a prerequisite for the Racial Battlecruiser skills.

  • Spaceship Command requirement reduced from 4 to 3.

  • Battleships:

  • All Racial Battleship skills now require Racial Battlecruiser at 3 instead of Racial Cruiser at 4.

  • All Racial Battleship skill requirements have also been reduced level1 as they are no longer balanced by tiers.

  • Navy Battleships:

  • Increasing requirement to fly Navy Battleships previously known as Tier 1 (Armageddon Navy Issue, Scorpion Navy Issue, Dominix Navy Issue, Typhoon Fleet Issue) from level1 to level2 to make it consistent with other navy ships.

  • Since the training from level1 to level2 only takes a few hours, we will not adjust your Racial Battleship level. Please make sure you train it before the change if you still wish to be able to fly those Navy Battleships.

  • Carriers and Supercarriers:

  • Racial Carrier requirements on the Aeon, Wyvern, Nyx and Hel have been reduced from 3 to 1.

  • Capital Ships requirement on all Carriers and Supercarriers increased from 3 to 4.

  • All racial Battleship requirements on Carriers and Supercarriers reduced from 5 to 3.

  • Adding the Jump Fuel Conservation skill at 4 as prerequisite.

  • Adding the Jump Drive Calibration skill at 3 as prerequisite (which itself requires the Jump Drive Operation skill trained at 5).

  • Dreadnoughts:

  • All Racial Battleship requirements on Dreadnoughts reduced from 5 to 3.

  • Capital Ships requirement on all Dreadnoughts increased from 1 to 3.

  • Adding the Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration skill at 1 as prerequisite (requires Advanced Weapon Upgrades at 5).

  • Titans:

  • All Racial Battleship requirements on Titans reduced from 5 to 3.

  • Adding the Jump Portal Generation skill at 1 as requirement (which itself requires the Jump Drive Operation skill trained at 5)·         

  • Electronic Attack Ships:

  • Swapping the Electronic Upgrades 5 skill with Long Range Targeting 5.

  • Interdictors:

  • Racial Frigate 5 requirement swapped for Racial Destroyer 5.

  • Generic old Destroyer skill removed from the Interdictor skill.

  • Interceptor requirement removed from the Interdictor skill.

  • Graviton Physics 1 added as skill requirement in the Interdictor skill.

  • Propulsion Jamming 5 added as skill requirement in the Interdictor skill.

  • Heavy Assault Ships:

  • Assault Ships requirement removed from the Heavy Assault Ship skill.

  • Energy Grid Upgrades 5 added as skill requirement of the Assault Ship skill.

  • Energy Management 4 added as skill requirement of the Assault Ship skill.

  • Recon Ships:

  • Covert Ops requirement removed from the Recon Ships skill.

  • Cloaking 4 added as skill requirement of the Recon Ships skill.

  • Electronic Upgrades 5 added as skill requirement of the Recon Ships skill.

  • Heavy Interdictors:

  • Weapon Upgrades removed from the Heavy Interdictor skill.

  • Graviton Physics 4 added as skill requirement of the Heavy Interdictor skill.

  • Command Ships:

  • Racial Cruiser 5 requirement swapped for Racial Battlecruiser 5.

  • Generic and old Battlecruiser skill removed from the Command Ship skill.

  • Heavy Assault Ships skill requirement removed from Field Command Ships (Absolution, Nighthawk, Astarte, Sleipnir).

  • Logistics skill requirement removed from Fleet Command Ships (Damnation, Vulture, Eos, Claymore).

  • Information Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill.

  • Armored Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill.

  • Siege Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill.

  • Skirmish Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill.

  • Industrials:

  • All ship skill requirements reduced from 1-5 to 1.

  • Racial Frigate skill requirement removed from the Industrial skill.

  • Freighters:

  • Now requires Advanced Spaceship Command 5 instead of 1.

  • Racial Industrial skill requirement reduced from 5 to 3.

  • Mining Barges

  • Mining Frigate 3 skill added as a requirement of the Mining Barge skill.

  • Industrial Command Ship

  • Mining barge skill requirement removed.

  • Adding ORE Industrial 3 as requirement.

  • Capital Industrial Ship

  • Mining barge skill requirement removed from the Capital Industrial Ship skill.

  • Industrial Command Ship 3 skill added as a requirement of the Capital Industrial Ship skill.

  • Industrial Reconfiguration 1 skill added as a requirement of the Capital Industrial Ship skill.

  • More details are available on the Skill Change Dev blog itself.

User Interface

  • A new "Category" column has been added to the Buyer Will Get contract window, to help clarify the items that are being exchanged.

  • Contracts can now include Plastic Wraps. The volume of the Plastic Wraps is now displayed correctly as part of the total volume of the contract.

  • Attributes listed in the Attributes section of the Character Sheet, and in the Neural Remap window, will now display in the same order that the equivalent implants are listed.

  • The Radial Menu in EVE has been removed and replaced with an all-new menu designed for fast-paced interaction. The menu is available when flying in space and can be opened via left click + hold on objects in space. Mapping and delay customization for the Radial Menu is available in the Esc menu.

  • On Pod Death you will no longer instantly snap back to station. Your camera drones will show your corpse in space before your consciousness is transferred to your new clone.

  • The loading bar has been eliminated from the Undocking transition. The Undock button has been moved from the NeoCom to the Station Services panel to allow room to provide undocking progress.

  • Jump Transitions have been added which allow a seamless transition free from the tyranny of black screen and loading bars.

  • Persistent navigation statuses have been added for: Aligning, Approaching, Orbiting and Keeping at Range. In addition, there is now a confirmation for the Stop my Ship command.

  • Health bars on the HUD for your ship flash when the user-defined Damage Alert thresholds have been passed. The Damage Alert thresholds can be configured in the HUD menu.

  • When a targeted ship is destroyed the target will flash several times before it is removed from your target list. If the target gets away, it will simply disappear as before.

  • When boarding a ship or undocking, the HUD capacitor level animates.

  • The Watch List has been cleaned up so no longer are there almost 20 options in the contextual menu. These options are now under the ‘Pilot’ submenu.

  • The image of a station in that station’s Show Info window can now be dragged into chat to provide a link to the specific station instead of the station type.

  • The chat entry box can now be reduced to the height of a single line.

  • It is now possible to open more than 1 saved fitting at a time by holding SHIFT when selecting it from the list.

  • The Fleet option “Kick Member” has been renamed to “Kick Member from fleet”.

  • Notes in the Notepad are now ordered alphabetically.

  • The Show Info images of Planets, Solar Systems, Constellations and Regions can now be dragged into chat to provide links.

  • "Open All Squads" and "Close All Squads" have been renamed to "Expand All Squads" and "Collapse All Squads".

  • The "Expand All Squads" and "Collapse All Squads" will function regardless of whether the Wings are Expanded/Collapsed.

  • New options "Expand All Wings" and "Collapse All Wings" have been added.

  • Fleet Composition can now be copied by expanding all squads and selecting CTRL + C.

  • In the Bookmark Location window the name is now preselected so it can be instantly overwritten.

  • In windows with a scroll bar your Page Up and Page Down buttons now function as you would expect them to by scrolling up and down.

  • Zoom In/Out functions are no longer bound by default.

  • When using the Autopilot the next Stargate in your route is now preselected on system entry. Tracking camera users will find the camera now always points in the correct direction when using the Autopilot.



  • Fixed a number of small audio issues.

  • Work carried out on nullsec music and atmospheric sounds to make things less repetitive.

Boosters and Implants

  • Corrected skill requirement for the Zainou 'Gnome' Weapon Upgrades WU-1005 from cybernetics 5 to cybernetics 4.

  • The Zainou 'Snapshot' AM-70x hardwiring range now correctly refers to "heavy assault missiles" rather than "assault missiles" in both their names and their descriptions.

  • LP-1005, LE-1005 and LH-1005 hardwirings now require Cybernetics 4 rather than Cybernetics 5, in line with other 5% hardwirings.

Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • The tutorial text regarding clones in "Additional Reading" has been edited for clarity.

  • A missing icon for a Minmatar clothing asset has been fixed.


  • Preventing rare situations where Salvaging Drones would be returning back to a players ship after each salvaging attempt.

  • Infiltrator II and 'Augmented' Infiltrator now have an increased orbit velocity. Infiltrator II, Imperial Navy Infiltrator and 'Augmented' Infiltrator have all had their tracking speed increased to ensure the correct tracking speed-to-orbit velocity ratio.

Graphics General

  • Resolved a long standing issue with certain NPCs using incorrect faction skins.

  • The order in which layers are drawn has been fixed on a drone structure.

  • Moved the 5th highslot turret location onto a turret location drawn on the model.

  • The rifter's thruster locators have been moved closer to the hull.

  • The hulk's thruster location has been moved closer to the hull.

  • Added missing small thrusters to the cheetah, procurer and skiff.

  • Mordu's NPCs now have the correct blue color instead of pretending to be Guristas.

  • Fixed a misaligned texture on the rokh.

  • Capital ships at low and medium LOD will now keep their textures instead of appearing black.

  • The Amarr Navy Omen and Slicer now have tech 1 turrets that match their paint jobs.

  • Fixed: Small pop of geometry during the Phoenix siege animation.

  • Fixed: Corrected small texture stretch in Caldari Hanger.

  • Removed thrusters from sentry drones because they don't move.

  • The Khanid ship shader was too bright and has now been corrected.

  • Certain turret configs for Rorqual now sit on geometry.


  • Fixed issues relating to localization of important name tooltips:

  • The tooltip syntax will no longer be saved in the fitting name when opening a fitting from the chat window.

  • Fixed a UI issue where repeatedly right-clicking entries in the mission journal would cause the right-click menu to keep growing in size when running with tooltips enabled.

  • Fixed drag-and-drop functionality when dragging your current solar system name into the chat window, when running with tooltips enabled.

  • Numerous Russian translations of mission descriptions have been corrected by adjusting the placement of variables representing system, station, corporation, and agent names.

  • On the Japanese client, NPC agents’ names have now middle dots (「・」) between their first names and last names for the better visibility.

  • Various linguistic changes and improvements have been made throughout the Russian, German and Japanese clients.

Market & Contracts

  • All market start up times have been decreased significantly.

  • Orders will now expire regularly during up time, instead of waiting for downtime. Items will also be returned to the users Item Hangar as part of the expiry process.

  • Items with colon or slash in the name can now be properly Exported to File from the Market.


  • The Influence level for Incursions is now persisted more consistently at server downtimes.

  • The "Warp Disruption Field Generator II blueprint" has had the correct meta group assigned to it, so it can now be filtered using Smart Filters.

  • All "Warfare Link" modules have had their description correctly formatted to include line breaks where appropriate.

  • All "Mining Foreman Link" modules have had their description correctly formatted to include line breaks where appropriate.

  • All "Shield Boosters" modules have had their description corrected to note that they can be used on capital ships.

  • The Signal Distortion Amplifier blueprints are now part of a new group called ECM Stabilizer Blueprint. This does not change the market group for these items.

  • The text for the Jump Portal Generator I and Covert Jump Portal Generator I is now formatted correctly.

  • The description for Tritanium now refers to the Universe instead of the World.


  • The Modules Overheat icon no longer continuously flashes when it is activated and deactivated within the same cycle.

  • Survey Scanners will now properly show their range in both tooltips and the Tactical Overlay.

  • The Triage Modules are no longer incorrectly described as Siege Modules in the description.

  • Capital-sized modules should now correctly state in their descriptions that they cannot be fitted to sub-capital ships.

  • Fixed description for all Nuclear ammunition to accurately reflect its bonus to tracking.

  • T3 Offensive subsystems no longer display a confusing unlabelled number.


  • NPCs can now better distinguish between damage players apply to NPCs and damage that players apply to each other when picking targets.

  • Fixed an issue where negative corp or faction standings were not being applied after killing certain NPCs.

  • The standings tab of the character sheet no longer includes standings to "unknown factions".

  • Some high security NPCs were providing too much security status on destruction and were easily farmed to repeatedly increase sec status. These NPCs have had their security status bonus adjusted to bring them in line with the effort required to find and destroy them.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • The starbase defense control locked target icon will no longer revert to a question mark when structures unlock a target.

  • The names of conquerable stations and outposts will now correctly update in the star map system tooltips.

  • All starbase EW structures should now have their effect icons show up correctly in the overview and effects bar.

Science and Industry

  • Some faction modules required Tech 2 skills and resources manufacturing. These have been removed.

  • The Phoenix no longer requires Capital Turret Hardpoints in its construction.

  • The Naglfar no longer requires Capital Launcher Hardpoints in its construction.


  • Fixed a typo in the description text for the Myrmidon.  

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect insurance type was being granted for ships with very low cost and payout values.

  • The skill bonus to Energy Vampires is now working correctly on the Vangel.

  • A small error in the Warp speed of Freighters has been corrected.

  • The Echo no longer displays Upgrade Hardpoints and Rig Size in the Fitting tab of the Show Info window. The ship never had rig slots to begin with.

  • The Immolator no longer displays Upgrade Hardpoints and Rig Size in the Fitting tab of the Show Info window. The ship never had rig slots to begin with.

  • All Faction & Storyline Battleships, Battlecruisers and Cruisers have had their Calibration increased from 350 to 400.


  • The skill "Deep Core Mining" is now correctly reducing the chance of causing mining pollution clouds.

User Interface

  • Kill Reports now again contain the Moon for destroyed structures.

  • Approx 50% of all standings will drop by 0,01 in the character tab window, this has no game-changing effect and is simply a UI fix that properly shows players their effective standing.

  • Resizing the windowed client will no longer clear the fitting screen if it was open.

  • Implants, Skill, Planetary Resources and Planetary Commodities now show their volume attribute in the Info Window.

  • The Drone Management interface will now open correctly if you are attempting to drag a stack of drones to the drone bay that you have to split.

  • Bookmarks are now consistently sorted in both the in-space right click menu and People & Places.

  • Icons will now display correctly for the "Command Center Hold Capacity" and "Planetary Commodities Hold Capacity" in the Attributes tab for ships.

  • Added a message when failing to meet the conditions required to capture a complex in Factional Warfare. Previously this was failing with a blank No Label message.

  • Redundant options View Contents, Open Cargo and Add to Quickbar have been removed from the right-click menu for capsules.

  • If a Kill Right price has been changed before the clients cache clears automatically, we now display a nice user message with the correct price telling you to try again.

  • When viewing a Corporations Show Info window, clicking on the link for a Faction.

  • Removed the "Flying Between Hangars!" modal error message when moving a ships hangar into another one via the Inventory Index tree. Now nothing will happen.

  • Windows that have been collapsed now remember their state correctly after restarting the client.

  • Items dragged out from the Market Quickbar will no longer get stuck on screen.

  • Current active wars that enter the 24 hour cooldown phase are now still shown in the active wars category in a Corporation/Alliance Show Info window.

  • Restoring an unread mail from the Trash will now correctly update the Unread counters for the appropriate mail folders.

  • In many cases the 'Reset Camera' function was parking the camera right up the back of your ship. The camera distance when reset has now been adjusted so that the default is more complimentary.

  • Fixed a clipping issue in the Inventory for the last row of text in the Chinese client. This should not affect any other localized clients.

  • An issue with the back button on the mouse when navigating the Browser has been fixed.

  • General Tutorials titles are now correctly capitalized for consistency.

Weapons & Ammunition

  • Updated the description for Hail ammunition.

  • Light kinetic missiles should now get their proper bonus in Wolf-Rayet systems.

  • Auto-Targeting missiles will no longer target objects in the "Large Collidable Structure" group.