CBT named as possible mysterious attackers
In a statement today by Frantian Brinor, Perkone's Warehouse Logistics and Factory Manager for Uemon, it was brought to the attention of The Scope that the mysterious attackers who have been plaguing the lower regions of The Forge may very well be pilots from CBT (Caldari Business Tribunal).
After further scrutiny of the information given to Mr. Brinor by Kyogen Steiner earlier this evening in Uemon, Perkone has decided that an official statement had to be made on the matter, highlighting CBT’s potentially catastrophic disloyalty to the State.
It was said, “After close inspection of the information compiled and given to me by Kyogen Steiner, I found it odd that the pilots who are of Caldari origin have previous employment within CBT.”
Assured by this information, Perkone are now confident that CBT are up to something, and The Scope, as well as the rest of the State, will be watching for their reply. The Scope must also point out that CBT and Perkone are loyal business partners with one another, which therefore makes this an unstable position to be in.