Celebrating the Creative Player III
Hello, everybody! This is the final installment of our blog series "Celebrating the Creative Player" for 2010, and the entire EVE Online Community team would like to thank all of our players for their continued creative expression. EVE is a remarkable game that seems to inspire so many of you, and we continue to be in awe of the talent inherent with the EVE community.
In this edition, CCP Zymurgist and I will showcase some of the more interesting things we've come across in the last month that players have created. We hope you take some time out of your busy holiday schedule of blowing things up to check this wonderful creations out.
EVEfit Project has just introduced Pyfa, or the Python Fitting Assistant. This cross-platform fitting tool allows you to work on fitting your tool with a variety of different modules off line. In the future, Pyfa should have a Web-based tool available for players to play with. It's one in a long line of excellent fitting tools for players, such as the famous EVE Fitting Tool.
Speaking of fits, this site literally had CCP Navigator rolling on the floor laughing. At first, I thought it was because I was in Reykjavik and looked dorky, but it turned out he was really getting a kick out of LOL FITS, a new site showcasing some of the pretty bad fits players come up with in-game. To be honest, I'm kind of shocked none of my horrible combinations are showcased here... yet.
YouTube user cilayin has created an amazing new video showcasing the new character creator tool that will be coming with EVE Online: Incursion 1.1 in January, 2011. This video actually showcases both sexes and the stunning detail the character creator will bring to EVE Online.
Remember, if you create something that you'd like to share with the EVE Online community, we encourage you to create a post in the My EVE channel.
From Zymurgist and I and all of CCP, thank you for being not only passionate EVE Online players, but creative ones as well. May you all have a safe and joyous holiday! Until next year... fly safely!