Fanfest 2017 - Day 1: Live broadcast from 15:00 to 19:00 UTC
The amazing Fanfest 2017 from April 6 to 8 is in full swing. Follow the excitement and watch the live broadcast!
The live stream on day one begins at 15:00 and ends around 19:00 (all times are in UTC / EVE time). Highlights today are the Opening Ceremony and the Keynote presentation, but we also have tons of super interesting dev interviews and insights. This is the schedule for April 6:
15:00 - Stream opens - o7 at Fanfest 2017
17:00 - Welcome Ceremony
18:00 - EVE Online Keynote
Share your Fanfest experience using #evefanfest and enjoy the show. The stream comes also with contests and giveaways where you can win PLEX, SKINs and a whole host of other goodies.
Tune in and have fun!