New Newsportal Launched
With more and more stories and storylines developing themselves into the world of eve, we decided it was time for a better newsportal and thus the launch of this new page. This page can be found on the location of the previous newspage of myeve, right here:
Feast your eyes, post feedback.
For the news syndicaters out there, we have feeds too
The top 10 "top stories"
News Announcements
Roleplayed News
I've updated this devvblog since it was confusing people ... if you see XML you're reading the newsfeeds for people to use in programs like trillian, feeddemon, newsinterceptor and many many more syndicating tools, you can even parse them for your website. the only real new front-end we're talking about here, is the page you visit when logging on to EVE insider.(this one).