Patch Notes for Revelations 2.3
Patch Notes for Revelations 2.3
Mac OS X and Linux
As announced in Hellmar's Fanfest Keynote presentation, CCP has teamed with Transgaming to provide additional operating system support for the EVE client. EVE will now run on Mac OS X and Linux. For further information, please see this news item. Also, a new section concerning the new operating system support will be added to the Frequently Asked Questions on Monday.
Other changes
Several 'Need for Speed' code optimizations have been added to the client.
The newly supported Linux and Macintosh operating systems can now be specified when submitting technical petitions.
If an office's rent expires while a BP is in production and is not re-rented before the job is completed, the BP's will return to the impound.
The corporation wallet balance will now correctly update when making multiple transactions in quick succession.
A rare error that prevented a recently podded player from opening their wallet has been resolved.
An exception occuring upon client resize has been resolved.
A number of drop down menu now have larger boxes.
A number of minor Unicode errors in right click menus have been resolved.
Various fixes and enhancements have been added to our billing and petition systems, as well as to GM tools.
Several unused or outdated DLLs/binaries have been removed from the client.
Important Note: If you receive an error message when starting the EVE client claiming the existance of illegal files in your bin folder, it will be necessary to manually remove them.
The following are the valid DLLs/binaries that should remain in the EVE client's bin folder:
Folder: Microsoft.VC80.CRT
- Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
- msvcm80.dll
- msvcp80.dll
- msvcr80.dll
- _ctypes.pyd
- _PyFreeTypeP.dll
- _socket.pyd
- _trinity.dll
- alut.dll
- audio.dll
- blue.dll
- boost_python.dll
- chartdir.dll
- db.dll
- dbghelp.dll
- destiny.dll
- ExeFile.exe
- NetClient.dll
- NetUtil.dll
- ortp.dll
- pyexpat.pyd
- python25.dll
- RedistD3DXOnly.exe
- vivoxsdk.dll
- wrap_oal.dll
The following Alliance logos have been added or updated:
- Daisho Syndicate
- Dune Heretics
- YouWhat
- Space Weaponry and Trade
- The Immortality Project
- Blue Sky Consortium
- FreeFall Securities
- The Order of the Red Locust
- Dark Taboo
- National Capital Region
- Angelus Errere - Where angels lose their way
- Order of Khaos
- Friend or Enemy
- Brethren of The Sky
- The Covenant Alliance
- Shinra Alliance
- Sev3rance
- KIA Alliance
- Cold Fusion Syndicate
- Ethereal Dawn
- Abyss Alliance
- Division of Eden
- Minuit.
- Acid Alliance
- Deus Ex.
- Daem Exalter Oni Noegene
- The Gurlstas Associates
- N O V A
Exploit Fix
- A modification has been made to the way drones are launched from stacks. It was discovered that launching drones from very large stacks could cause node deaths.
Revelations 2.3.0-1, Server Side Changes Deployed 6 November
- Patch deployment created issues with the server sending kill mails. This has been resolved.
- An issue with Macintosh OS trial accounts was discovered. A work around was applied to temporarily resolve this issue. A permanent resolution will be forthcoming.
Revelations 2.3.0-2, Server Side Changes Deployed 15 November
- Collaterals will now be returned for contracts issued by a corporation from another wallet division than the master wallet. This resolves an error whereby collateral was not being returned.
- A permanent resolution for Macintosh OS trial account issues was found and applied.
Revelations 2.3.0-3, Server Side Changes Deployed 20 November
- The temporary workaround for Macintosh OS trial issues was removed.
Mac and Linux Client Issue Resolution, Client Patch Deployed 27 November
- Fixed a number of crashes and runtime exceptions for the Mac client.
- HFS+ case sensitive file system support for the Mac client has been added.
- Azerty, Danish and Swedish keyboard issues for the Mac client have been resolved.
- The transparent boxy background around the HUD has been resolved.
- Added detection of initial state of locking keys (Numlock/Capslock) has been added.
- Startup issues on Linux systems using Athlon/AthlonXP processors caused by the use of SSE and SSE2 instructions have been resolved.
- Autopatcher resolution switching fixed on Linux.
- The Linux installer was experiencing issues with tooltips. These have been resolved.
- The multiuser instalation issue with Ubuntu Gutsy has been resolved.
- Certain settings in the EVE Configuration tool not sticking appropriately. This has been resolved.