SOMER.blink Lottery Still Operational After Theft | EVE Online

SOMER.blink Lottery Still Operational After Theft

2010-11-17 - By Svarthol

Jita, The Forge - Earlier today, the SOMER.blink lottery service was robbed of approximately 110 billion ISK by one of its administrators.

​Daquaris, a long-time aquaintance of SOMER Blink [BL.NK] corporation CEO Autumnries Mahm, withdrew ship hulls and what liquid ISK was accessible to him. He then sold the majority of the stolen assets back to SOMER Blink for an alleged 94 billion ISK; SOMER Blink were interested in reacquiring the stolen assets to save the time and considerable effort involved in sourcing them anew.

In an interview, Daquaris confirmed that "a large amount of security" hadn't been thought necessary "with such a core group of people" and explained that he "felt someone was going to rip it off sooner or later", and that it was "an [awful] lot of assets."

Andrev Nox, a member of BL.NK leadership, published an official statement explaining that the damage caused by the theft was "not Blink-destroying." The corporation had prepared for the possibility of theft by splitting up their capital and assets to ensure liquidity in case of a theft by any one employee.

Somerset Mahm, who first brought public attention to the lottery through the official thread on GalNet, also commented, stating: "It happens! Prizes going out as normal."

When asked about SOMER.blink's service in general, capsuleer TYKONDEROGA explained that his attitude towards the lottery did not change because of the scam and that he "could see them making [up] for that loss in no time". He also commended their "very quick, [professional] service " and said he would still recommend SOMER.blink to others ("It gives you that 'gambling' feel like sitting at a blackjack table ").

Attempts have been made to contact Daquaris, Andrev Nox, Somerset and Autumnries Mahm again as well as others, however, they were not available for further comment at time of writing. The Interstellar Correspondents will of course follow the situation closely and publish a follow-up article if need be.

GalNet References

SOMER.blink thread on GalNet article summarizing initial interviews and statements

Andrev Nox's initial statement

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