Community Beat for 16 February
Hello spacefriends, it's time for another Community Beat!
Before we get started, I'd like to take this opportunity to say hi. My name is CCP Lumi - I'm the newest member of the Community Team. I'll mainly be focusing on player gatherings and of course, I'll be helping out the team with a variety of other projects.
Now, let's look at some of the cool things that are going on across the community...
Starting Guide to Faction Warfare
For those of you that have wanted to dip your toes in Faction Warfare, CrazinessOfTheInternet made a starting guide! Check out his video below.
In the coming weeks, he will continue his series with frigate builds for each faction.
Frigate Free For All
Speaking of frigates, it's time to mark you calendars! On Saturday 20 April, A Band Apart and Stay Frosty are hosting their 10th annual Frigate Free For All. Thousands of fully fitted frigates will be handed out to everyone who wants one!

Battle in Delve
On the topic of large fights, we came across this video from a recent 300 billion battle that happened in Delve. Here's the battle report.
Art Corner
As always, capsuleers continue to impress us with their brilliant artistic skills.
Over on r/Eve, T'Amber shared some of his amazing ship skin prototype designs. If you head over to his Twitch channel, he might design your request next!

Cpt Armarlio recently added posters of the Absolution, Dramiel, Prospect and Sabre to his Etsy page. Have a look:

Upcoming Player Gatherings

London - The first UK meet-up of the year is happening in London on 2 March! Join your fellow internet spaceship lovers at Heist Bank, North Wharf Road at 12pm. Head over to the EVE London Discord for more details.
Leeds - The party continues in Leeds on 30 March. You can find your spacefriends at O'Neils, Boar Lane from 3pm onwards. Again, more details on Discord.
Montréal - On the same day (30 March), you'll also be able to meet up with players in Montréal. Doors of the Sugar Shack, Rang Montcalm, open at 11am. Make sure to join the Discord server and to get your tickets on Eventbrite.
If you are organizing a gathering or meet-up, reach out to to tell us all about it!
That's it for now. We hope you've enjoyed this week's Community Beat.
See you next time!