Community Beat for 18 August
Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat! Lets take a look at some of the cool things that are going on across the community:
Nottingham Player Meet
Since several CCPers were in staying on in Nottingham between AT weekends we decided to put together a player meetup while we were in town. Hosted at the Bunkers Hill pub in Hockley we had expected maybe 20 or 30 people to turn up but in the end over 60 people came out to hang out for the evening, enjoy a few ales and talk about our favourite hobby - internet spaceships!
CCP Zelus, CCP Bee, CCP Swift, CCP Kestrel, CCP Overload and CCP Convict were all there along with members of the EVE_NT AT crew. We also had current, former and prospective CSM members and one of our hard-working ISD volunteers joining us too.
Some lucky players took home stunning Lloyd George watercolor prints featuring ships such as the Widow, Drekevac and Hel, as well as Rifter USB hubs. We had a great time meeting everyone and sharing EVE stories with you. Please enjoy these startlingly high-quality pictures!

Partner Spotlight
Black Ops battleships can be very powerful in the right hands, appearing on top of unexpecting prey and hitting deep behind enemy lines. If you want to see a case study in the effective use of these impressive ships check out this video from EVE Partner Swagger Olacar of BOSS Alliance.
Draco’s Rules on Youtube
On the subject of EVE videos, while at the Nottingham gathering we met an EVE player and content creator who is developing their Youtube channel. We took a look at Draco’s channel and we were impressed with what we saw. Check out this excellent video about Factional Warfare and consider throwing them a subscribe on Youtube:
Fanfesty Things
Great news! Community paragon Greygal with the help of Rixx Javix is once again producing CONCORD Pilot's Licenses for people who are joining us in Reykjavik next month. Details about how to obtain one of these chic accessories will be coming in a future update.

Another thing you might want to do if you're coming for Fanfest is put your info down on the Fanfest Flight Buddies spreadsheet. This is handy if you want to find travel pals to pass the time at the airport while you're waiting for your flight and we at CCP also use this sheet to determine when to best schedule our Keflavik airport welcoming committee!
New Alliance Logos
We wanted to showcase some of the excellent alliance logos which were recently added to the game. These exemplify the level of polish we like to see in your submissions and hope they’ll inspire other alliances when they put brush to screen to create their own:

That's all for this edition of the Community Beat! Make sure you tune in to CCP TV this Saturday (tomorrow at the time of publishing) from 15:00 UTC for the start of the Alliance Tournament XIX Finals Weekend!