Doors Open for First Strike March
Hail Vanguard,
The battle has begun, and it is time to put boots on the ground. As in previous months, countless warclones are flooding the planetside battlegrounds of New Eden, impacting corruption, shooting devs and each other in the face, and forging the future of the new sandbox shooter. Now, get ready to take it up a notch.

As Founders, you will get to try out an early mining laser prototype that will add depth and complexity to the gameplay, get your hands on a sleek new warclone suit, and complete new contracts that offer a choice between contributing to corruption or suppression, deepening the connection to EVE Online. Further details on the latest changes and additions can be found here.
Mercenaries can have a tangible impact on New Eden, but of course their actions do not go unrewarded. As in previous First Strike events, there are exciting challenges to get stuck into, and impressive rewards on the line.
Acquiring 20 clones will get you the Corax Arkombine Arisen SKIN. Players acquire clones by exchanging collected biomass at reclone stations. This is a squad-based challenge, so a clone acquired by any squad member will count for all other members as well, and successful extraction is not required.

Harvesting 2,000 units of ore will get you the Osprey Navy Issue Arkombine SKIN. Only ore harvested through mining activities will count toward your total, so ore looted from other players will not count. This is an individual challenge, so you must harvest ore yourself, and successful extraction is not required.

Reaching the top 10 of the leaderboard tracking the “Amount of Credits Extracted Successfully” will reward you with a wealth of PLEX. Credits can be extracted by banking credits at terminals or extracting with credits at the end of the deployment. Some inventory items are automatically converted to credits at extraction, and these count as well, while credits or items in backpack inventory are lost upon death and will not count. In case of a tie, players at the same rank will receive equal amounts of PLEX, the combined total for the rank replacements being combined and split equally. For example, if two players rank 1st, they both get 2,500 PLEX, i.e., half the total PLEX for 1st and 2nd place ranks combined. The next position would be 3rd, receiving 1,500 PLEX.
Leaderboard Rank | PLEX Reward |
1 | 3,000 |
2 | 2,000 |
3 | 1,500 |
4-5 | 1,000 |
6-10 | 500 |
Suit up, Vanguard. It’s time to jump back into the fray, reap excellent rewards, and be an essential contributor to the ongoing development of EVE Vanguard, the ultimate FPS experience in the EVE Universe. Your participation and feedback are more critical than ever.
Make sure you tune in to CCP TV at 15:00 UTC today, 21 March, as EVE devs will be going live to talk about all things Vanguard and join the subsequent Q&A on the Discord server at 16:00 UTC. In addition, the Live2Feet stream from 14:00-16:00 tomorrow, Friday 22 March, will feature EVE Vanguard, so stay tuned for that.
The playtest has begun and is live until 12:00 UTC on 25 March. We will see you on the battlefield.