EVE Online: Quantum Rise 1.0.1 has been deployed - 22 November, 2008
EVE Online: Quantum Rise 1.0.1 has been deployed on Tranquility today in order to address critical performance issues that were affecting some of our players. Our team will continue to monitor Tranquility until we’re fully satisfied that the issues have been solved. We appreciate your patience during the extended downtime. Patch notes are available for review and we would encourage anyone who is still experiencing any game play issues to submit a Bug Report and we will investigate the matter as soon as possible.
During deployment we ran into a roadblock, our deployment team quickly mustered and crushed all resistance. This did delay work on the new Quantum Rise 1.0.1 patches and client. Patching from Quantum Rise to Quantum Rise 1.0.1 will work as normal, however patching from older clients will be unavailable until approximately 16:00 GMT and the full Quantum Rise 1.0.1 client download is expected to be back at 15:00 GMT. This is not a major issue as you can simply download the full Quantum Rise client and patch it to Quantum Rise 1.0.1.
Please use this forum thread to post feedback and alert us to any issues that may arise.