Event on Singularity Tonight, May 9 at 17.30 GMT | EVE Online

Event on Singularity Tonight, May 9 at 17.30 GMT

2007-05-09 - Por Svarthol

Tonight we will have a small event on Singularity, the test server. Everyone will meet up at 17.30 GMT, and the event will start at 18.30 GMT. This means that after todays Downtime, Singularity will be running the same version as Tranquility, no patch is needed. To participate you can log in to Singularity with your Tranquility client using the same credentials.

The event is fairly simple, guys from Onlinewelten, a German gaming site, will be in in some nice ships, and your mission is to try to destroy them! This event will be broadcasted live on Giga TV and there will be a stream as well.