Patch Notes for Empyrean Age 1.1.2
Patch notes for Empyrean Age 1.1.2, released 2 October 2008
Table of Contents
World Shaping
The autopilot avoidance system has been updated. Jita has been removed from being a preset default value in the avoidance system. A side effect of this is that any entries that you have added to the avoidance system will also be removed. We have done this as there was an unexpected side effect where any solar system that has been set to be avoided would show as being 2 billion jumps away. We are working on a full fix for this at present. This means that any solar system added to the avoidance system will display in your market as being 2 billion jumps away.
The autopilot was ignoring certain links between systems. The map cache has been corrected so the autopilot will correctly plot a course to your destination.
User Interface
Outposts and Conquerable Stations were not displaying in the right click menu. We have identified the cause of this and fixed the issue.