Caille Neon SKINs Now Available! | EVE Online

Caille Neon SKINs Now Available!

2019-03-26 - 작성자 CCP Falcon

We're super happy to announce that a brand new SKIN line is available in the New Eden Store from today!

The Caille Neon SKIN line is now available in the New Eden Store for the following hulls:

  • Nemesis – 110 PLEX
  • Hecate – 110 PLEX
  • Deimos – 110 PLEX
  • Ishtar – 110 PLEX
  • Kronos – 250 PLEX
  • Thanatos – 390 PLEX
  • Nyx – 390 PLEX
  • Erebus – 390 PLEX

The discounted Neon Utopia Bundle is also available in the New Eden Store, containing this skin for the Hecate, Deimos and Kronos for 423 PLEX.

Grab them quick if you're looking to add this awesome new SKIN line to your collection!