Pirates, ninjas, vampires or werewolves? | EVE Online

Pirates, ninjas, vampires or werewolves?

2008-02-09 - 작성자 Svarthol

We've pondered over one of the most important questions in EVE, now we must ponder another; what would win the ultimate deathmatch for cool, pirate, ninja or undead? To find out the answer E-ON magazine has set up a survey where the matter will be decided once and for all.

There are other questions there too, lots of then - about alliances and what you think of them; their capabilities, motivations and their structure. Please take the time to read and answer as many questions as you can to help ensure the article we have planned for the next issue is as good as it can be. The survey does not ask for any character or alliance names so everything is very anonymous. It will close at 10am GMT on Feb 18th. Soon after the publication of the mag the data will be made available to the entire community.

Questions and feedback are welcome in this thread.