The New Eden Cook-Off | EVE Online

The New Eden Cook-Off

2019-08-16 - 작성자 CCP Clover

At a time when invasion is rife, a wide variety of skills are essential, so why not prove your culinary prowess in the New Eden Cook-Off? The rules for this interstellar cooking contest are as follows:

  • Create an EVE-inspired or EVE-themed dish, using EVE ingredients.

  • Send your recipe and a picture of the cooked dish to

  • EVE Ingredients include all that are conceivable as having been brought through the EVE gate by colonists, such as:

    • common livestock, poultry and fish
    • all staple grains and vegetables
    • all the major spices
    • NO COMMERCIAL or BRANDED products
    • soy sauce, olive oil, main vegetable oils.
    • spiced wine

We'll no longer accept submissions after 17th September at 11:00 (UTC)

1st prize is to have your dish cooked and tasted at CCP by the CCP community, as well as 1500 PLEX and the following SKINs; Revelation Lavacore, Apostle Lavacore, Apocalypse Lavacore and the Confessor Lavacore.
2nd prize is 1000 PLEX and the following SKINs; Apostle Lavacore, Apocalypse Lavacore and the Confessor Lavacore.
3rd prize is 500 PLEX and the following SKINs; Apocalypse Lavacore and the Confessor Lavacore.

You're more than welcome to share your recieps on social media, please use the hashtag #EVECOOKOFF