Alliance Leader Panel for EVE FanFest 2007 - Feedback requested! | EVE Online

Alliance Leader Panel for EVE FanFest 2007 - Feedback requested!

2007-10-10 - Svarthol

We thought a good idea for EVE Fanfest 2007 would be an Alliance Leader Panel. We'd like to hear from anyone who is going to the Fanfest and holds a position in their alliance that would allow them to represent their alliance in this type of panel?

Participation would involve a short introduction of your alliance, history, current situation, future plans and long term goals using a PowerPoint presentation and then about one hour of discussion with six to eight other alliance leaders/representatives

The execution of this plan is solely based on player participation and thus we are testing the waters to see if the interest is enough to put this in motion. So, reply if you are interested and we will proceed from there to see if this is a viable idea.

Please also note that we will obviously have some sort of system to verify that you are indeed participating on behalf of your alliance.

If you're an alliance leader and plan on coming to the Fanfest, please go to this forum thread and let us know what you think.