Council of Stellar Management accepting applications | EVE Online

Council of Stellar Management accepting applications

2003-11-21 - 发布者 Svarthol

The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) is once again accepting applications, these for the upcoming 5th session slated to begin on 3 December. The CSM is a focus group comprised of members of the EVE dev team and invited delegates from the playerbase. It is our goal to have a good cross-section of playstyles represented.

The group will meet each Wednesday at 14:00 GMT/9 am Eastern. The sessions last for 6 weeks, then a new group of delegates is chosen. Delegates are sometimes personally selected by the devs based on forum feedback or quality bug reports. The group breaks down as a representative from 3 large, 3 medium-sized and 3 small corps. We also invite 2 freelancers and a press person. The group of twelve is a manageable size, allowing everyone the opportunity to join in the discussion without having to moderate the channel.

Delegates will be asked to submit three questions in advance, no later than Tuesdays by 14:00 GMT. During the chat, we will address as many of these questions as we can. The meetings generally last from one to two hours.

Anyone who is interested in serving as a delegate to the CSM should e-mail me and let me know. It would be most helpful if you would include the following information in your message:

  • Your character name

  • The name and e-mail address of your CEO, if you are not the CEO of your corporation

  • The name of your corporation

  • The primary focus of your corp (ie trading, pvp, roleplaying, etc.) The same goes for freelancers, and please specify that you are a freelancer.

  • If you are a press representative, please give the URL for your news or fan site.

It is important that we limit the size of the group, which means that, unfortunately, we cannot accept all applicants. If you are not selected this time, there's a good chance you might be chosen for one of the future sessions.

The day and time are non-negotiable. We must be sure that the chat fits into the devs' schedules. If you know that you would not be able to attend these chats at the specified time, please don't ask to be appointed to the delegation or request a scheduling change. Allow someone else who can be there to fill the spot. You can always suggest questions or topics to them.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like more information.PannEve Community Managerpann@eve-online.comCCP