October Release Deployment Information! | EVE Online

October Release Deployment Information!

2018-10-05 - 发布者 CCP Falcon

We're happy to announce that the October release will be deployed during a standard duration daily downtime on Tuesday, October 9th.

Daily downtime will begin at the usual time of 11:00 UTC, and will run for the normal time of 15 minutes. We anticipate that Tranquility will be back online and accepting connections by 11:15 UTC.

The October release brings a host of light balance changes, including tweaks to the Damavik based on community feedback, as well as changes to nullification on combat interceptors, and the introduction of the new Zero-Point mass entangler module.

In addition to this, the October release brings a number of visual fixes and improvements, as well as some changes that should increase performance, including the removal of area of effect damage when a titan class hull is destroyed.

This release also brings substantial changes to ECM mechanics that will allow for more varied counter play and retaliation against pilots using ECM.

Be sure to check out EVE Updates for more information on this release. You can also take a look at the full patch notes here, for a more detailed breakdown of what's coming with this release.