Patch Notes for Tyrannis 1.0.4 | EVE Online

Patch Notes for Tyrannis 1.0.4

2010-08-18 - 发布者 CCP CAPSLOCK

Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.0.4

Deployed Wednesday, August 18, 2010

General Fixes

  • The EVE Python code has been updated from version 2.5 to version 2.7.

  • Many character related services have been optimized on the server to run faster and more reliably.

Mac Fixes

  • Graphics glitches where the shader setting has been set to high on ATI cards has been fixed.

  • Various crash issues have been crushed, making Steve Jobs a happier man.

  • The EVE Mail cache issue has been fixed.

  • Some memory leaks were found and plugged.

  • The Mac Crash Reporter has been removed. It will return later after some improvements have been made.