Revelations 2.3 with Mac and Linux support now in public testing on Multiplicity | EVE Online

Revelations 2.3 with Mac and Linux support now in public testing on Multiplicity

2007-11-03 - 发布者 Svarthol

Update: The links provided in the announcement earlier have been removed, as they will not work on Tranquility after the patch deployment and Multiplicity is currently not accepting connections. New links to complete build downloads will be provided after the patch has been deployed.

We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this has caused the community.

As announced earlier in this forum thread, Revelations 2.3 will be deployed on Tuesday, 6 November. This patch will contain a number of fixes which can all be viewed here, but most importantly it contains formal support for Mac OS X and Linux!

Here are the system requirements for Mac and Linux. Windows requirements are still the same.


Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Ubuntu 7+, Suse 10+, Linspire 6
CPU: CPU speed equal to or greater than 1.8 GHz Centrino
RAM: 1024 MB
HD space: 6 GB
Video: NVidia 6600, ATI is not supported.

Recommended system configuration for running EVE Online:
OS: Ubuntu 7+, Suse 10+, Linspire 6
CPU: 2 GHz
HD space: 6 GB
Video: Nvidia 7600 or later, ATI is not supported.


Minimal system requirements
OS: OS X 10.4.9 or later.
CPU: Intel based computer with CPU speed equal or greater than 1.8 GHz , the client does not run on a PPC.
Video: ATI X1600 or NVidia 7300
RAM: 1024 MB or more
HD space: 6 GB

Recommended system configuration for running EVE Online:
OS: OS X 10.4.9 or later
CPU: Intel based CPU 2 GHz or better, the client does not run on a PPC.
Video: ATI X1900 or Nvidia 7600
HD space: 6 GB

How do I install EVE on Macintosh

The installation experience on Cider Runtime is identical to any Mac OS X installation procedure. In General, Cider Runtime uses a simple drag and drop installation, i.e. into the Applications folder.

  1. Download the EVE Online client. The client will be packaged as a .dmg file.
  2. Double-click the .dmg file.
  3. Drag the EVE Online Icon to your Applications folder.

NOTE: EVE Online may be unstable if run from a disk or installation package.

How to install Eve on Linux

Download the package for your distribution:

The user installs EVE Online using a graphical or command line package manager. On installation a Starter Kit will install program shortcuts and installation configuration files.

On launch, via the Start Menu shortcut or command line, the Starter Kit will download and install all necessary files for the application on Cedega.

Tick the Internet radio button to download the latest Game Package release from the Internet and then click Continue.

Patches are automatically downloaded and applied using the regular Auto-patcher.
How to connect to Multiplicity:

  1. Run the client
  2. Once the log in screen appears type in in the server Combo box.
  3. Enter your username and password that you had on Tranquility the 2nd of October as the mirror was taken from Tranquility at that time.
  4. Click Log in.
  5. Profit?

We welcome your comments and feedback in this thread.