Wormhole discovered, Quafe imported from Gallente Space | EVE Online

Wormhole discovered, Quafe imported from Gallente Space

2004-11-29 - 发布者 Svarthol

Due to a recently discovered wormhole that is large enough to send bottles through, Quafe is now available in the EVE Store. At this time, it is only possible to send bottles of Quafe, as the opening of the wormhole has ended up at the distribution center of Quafe. Attempts to send items to Gallente space have been met with failure.

There is no telling what the discovery of this wormhole is going to do to shares of Starsi. Understandably, Quafe is not allowing Starsi to be shipped to this previously untapped market. Lawsuits against Quafe have been filed by Starsi and some other companies. Quafe spokespeople have not made any comments regarding the pending lawsuits.