I figured we should share some of the fitted module stats. Oh, and 70K! :)
My hangover was massive this morning, we had a small celebration last night because we have just surpassed 70,000 active accounts. Thank you everyone for making this possible, this couldn't have happened without you, the massive EVE community :)
As with all CCP parties, our best game design meetings seem to happen there and one thing leads to another dry Vodka Martini, uhm ... I mean idea.
Well, anyways. Part of this was doing some research into fitted modules to see if we had some other modules which could use with some tender loving care - like the Damage Control modules are getting. Yes, for real, the Damage Control will be remotely useful and perhaps even more than that! ;)
Bring it on!
Ok, I found these stats very interesting. The number is how many of the modules are fitted on ships:
- Warp Core Stabilizers (all), 239.296
- Jump Scramblers, 289.997
- Afterburners and Microwarpdrives (all), 1.000.925, 1 MN Afterburner with 207337 and 10 MN Afterburners 185.762 are topping the list though.
- Ballistic Controls (all), 66.390 (We're starting to drop the II's in case you were wondering)
- Heat Sinks (all), 118.159 of which 36.953 are II's
- Stabilizers (all), 155.312, of which 28.441 are II's
- Cap Rechargers (all), 500.507. 36.459 being Tech II
- Damage Controls (all), 94.378 :D
- Shield Boosters (all), 765.565
- Armor Repairers (all), 413.596
- Sensor Boosters (all), 123.950 of which 27.000 are II's
- ECM's (all), 258.116
- Nos and Drainers (all), 309.000
- Target Painters (all), 39.113
- Tracking Disrupters (all), 66.744
- King of modules (not counting "Basic Miner") are Expanded Cargohold I's with 379.775 fitted
- King of Tech II are Miner II's, with 261.550 fitted
- A total of 18.367.504 modules are fitted.
- A total of 1.125.236 Tech II modules are fitted.
Recently Added
- Gang Coordination, 791.
- Co-Processors, 308.001.
- Reactor Control Units, 265.524.
- Aux Power Cores, 43.452.
- Prince of Tech I is Standard Missile Launcher I, 270.877 with Cap Power Relay I coming in third with 209.855. (Not counting Basics in between)
- Prince of Tech II is Power Diagnostic II with 261.550 currently fitted with 10MN Afterburner II coming in third with 63.714.
Weapon types (Not counting basics
Energy Weapons, 805.755 of which 80.222 are II's
Hybrid Weapons (all), 1.325.445 of which 106.145 are II's
Hybrid Weapons (Rail), 1.034.062 of which 70.022 are II's
Hybrid Weapons (Blasters), 291.393 of which 36.123 are II's
Missile Launchers, 1.167.695 of which 4.088 are II's
Projectile Weapons, 583.620 of which 59.060 are II's
Note, the data here is from an old mirror not many BPO's had entered then, thus so few Tech II launchers.