Fanfest Reminder – The First Deadline For The Alliance Attendance Contest Is Approaching!
A couple of weeks back, on February 15th, news broke of the Alliance Attendance Contest for Fanfest 2018.
You can read more about the full details here.
The first deadline for this contest is approaching!
On March 1st, every alliance with at least 10 members registered to attend Fanfest 2018 will be listed, and will have their colors flown on flags in Eldborg, the main keynote hall, for the duration of Fanfest 2018.
If you haven’t already declared your allegiance to your alliance, you can do so via Eventbrite, when you purchase your ticket.
If you’ve already bought your ticket and didn’t fill in the details, then you can always go back to Eventbrite and do so by logging in and adding the details.
Check your email for a login link that will have been delivered with your tickets and receipt.
Be sure you’ve declared your colors before March 1st, as this is when we’ll be collating the list for flag flying!
Ticket sales for Fanfest 2018 are the strongest we’ve seen in more than a few years, so be sure to book your tickets sooner rather than later.
We’re looking forward to seeing you guys on top of the world for Fanfest 2018!