Super Saturday Is Coming To The New Eden Store - 75% Flash Sale! | EVE Online

Super Saturday Is Coming To The New Eden Store - 75% Flash Sale!

2018-06-15 - 作者 CCP Falcon

We're super happy to announce that a new type of sale - Super Saturday - is coming to the New Eden Store for the first time tomorrow!

The sale will kick off at 00:00:00 UTC on Saturday June 16th and will run for 24 hours through to 23:59:59, offering a 75% discount on the following SKINs:

  • Legion Sunburst SKIN – 14 PLEX (discounted from 55 PLEX)
  • Hurricane Sebiestor SKIN – 14 PLEX (discounted from 55 PLEX)
  • Covetor Lodestrike SKIN – 27 PLEX (discounted from 110 PLEX)
  • Rattlesnake Hostile Takeover SKIN – 62 PLEX (discounted from 250 PLEX)

Be sure to check out the New Eden Store tomorrow so that you don't miss out on these SKINs!