Offline is where it's at (EON#006 and other stories) | EVE Online

Offline is where it's at (EON#006 and other stories)

2006-12-08 - 작성자 Zapatero

Extra-EVE activities are high on the agenda this weekend, what with the Eve-TV cameras rolling for the start of another three days of passive-aggressive EVE entertainment. Good luck to those behind mics, lenses, dials and buttons, but especially to the Alliance teams taking part – particularly the ones I have a soft spot for (both of which seem about as likely to progress onto better things as spiralJunkie’s stylist). Probably for the best that I don’t mention past affiliations here, but what I will mention is – and oh what a clever link this is - that the details are up for what’s coming in the next issue of E-ON, which is due to be mailed out from January 12th.

Worthy of note is that we have another freebie, this time one for everyone who buys the mag, not just subscribers: A free booster pack of The Second Genesis CCG . If you haven’t seen or played the EVE card game yet, probably because the concept is a little bit frightening, let me assure you that each one the cards is a mini work of art. The only problem is that I think they pack some secret marketing enzyme in each pack, because once you pop one open, you just want to open another. I’ve got my addiction down to three boosters a day, but it’s a long road breaking this habit. Actually, save yourself future grief; buy E-ON and give the booster pack to someone you don’t like (or at least get them to open the pack for you).

Edit: There’s still time for people to submit ads . Only a couple of days left though. We’d need ads for Monday at the latest, so you may like to knock something together inbetween broadcasts. Any questions you have please direct to

Right, now to tune in to Eve-TV and see what hot fashion tips spiral has for us today. Rumour has it that under that desk he has his fluorescent disco chaps on.