Tiamat Release To Be Deployed Tomorrow! | EVE Online

Tiamat Release To Be Deployed Tomorrow!

2015-02-16 - 작성자 CCP Falcon

We are happy to announce that the Tiamat release for EVE Online will be deployed tomorrow, Tuesday February 17th, 2015.

Tiamat brings the new Minmatar Tactical Destroyer, the Svipul, along with balancing to projectile weapons, many more corp little things and friendly fire control, visual updates to structures in missions and deadspace areas, new UI icon additions, more themed UI elements,  quality settings for sun flares, atmospheric sounds for pirate faction structures, improvements to the audio engine, additions to turrer audio and of course a new theme tune for Tiamat.

In addition to these features, a number of new inhabitants of New Eden will be emerging from their slumber to begin exploring, their motives unknown and their tolerance for capsuleers untested until first contact.

You can read more about what's coming in the "Coming to EVE in the Tiamat Release" devblog by CCP Seagull, and check out the full patch notes here.

The patch tomorrow should be approximately 1.1GB in size, and the release will be deployed during normal downtime tomorrow, from 11:00 - 11:30 UTC.