Fix for error Incompatible (Protocol) after Trinity 1.0.2 Patch
Due to an unforeseen side-effect of the attempt at compiled code patching back in January it appears that the newly patched Trinity 1.0.2 client was still using the downloaded compiled.code from the hotfix in January, and thus the machonet version number did not match.
If you are getting the error "Incompatible (Protocol)" when trying to connect to Tranquility post Trinity 1.0.2 patch, it is because of this previous patch. To alleviate the problem you need to do one of the following:
Step by Step Guide
Windows (XP and Vista):
- Press START and select Run on Windows XP, in Vista, press START and paste the link into “Start search” ( which is directly above the START button “ Easiest is to use the Windows button on your keyboard + R ( works on both Vista and XP ).
- In XP Copy “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\CCP” ( without the “ ) into the address bar of the window that opened and Press Enter
- In Vista Copy “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CCP” ( without the “ ) into the address bar of the window that opened and Press Enter
- Remove the folder called “EVE”.
- Start the game and log in.
Keep in mind that localised Windows XP may have a different path. For a german XP it will be “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Anwendungsdaten\CCP”.
- Select "Go To Folder..." in the Finder's Go menu then cut and paste this without the quotation marks: “~/Library/Preferences/EVE Online Preferences/p_drive/All Users/Application Data/CCP”.
- Delete all the contents of that folder.
- Start the game and log in.
Single user install:
- Open Terminal and type the following without the quotation marks: “rm -r ~/.cedega/EVE\ Online/c_drive/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/CCP”.
- Start the game and log in.
Multi user install:
- Open terminal and cd to the folder where you installed EVE.
- Then type the following without the quotation marks “rm –r EVE\ Online/c_drive/Documents\ and\ Settings/All Users/Application\ Data/EVE”.
- Start the game and log in.
Please note that you will have the option "Show hidden folders" on to find some of the folders posted above!