Live Dev Blog on Empyrean Age, Thursday 15 May, 20.00 to 21.00 GMT
With our upcoming expansion, Empyrean Age, being just around the corner we thought it would only be fitting that the next Live Dev Blog focused on it. Mindstar, our always present host, will be joined by Greyscale from Game Design and t0nyG, author of the upcoming EVE novel, to discuss and answer your questions about Empyrean Age.
To listen in all you have to do is join the in-game channel 'Live Dev Blog' at 20.00 GMT this Thursday, 15 May, and join audio. If you really want to listen to the blog, but can't make it that time, a recording will be made available at a later date.
As usual, with the Live Dev Blogs, you have the opportunity to post your questions on our forums. Those questions, and others, will then be answered during the Live Dev Blog. Please use this thread to post your questions.