Patch Notes for Empyrean Age 1.1.1 | EVE Online

Patch Notes for Empyrean Age 1.1.1

2008-09-30 - By CCP CAPSLOCK

Patch notes for Empyrean Age 1.1.1, released 30 September 2008

Table of Contents



  • A new autopilot feature has been added: Avoid System. This will allow you to set systems, constellations or even entire regions to be ignored by your autopilot. By default, all autopilots will avoid Jita unless you configure it otherwise.

  • Dynamic System Cap: We have implemented a system that allows us to set a maximum number of players that are allowed into a given solar system. At this time only Jita has this cap set. The cap can be changed during runtime and we will be adjusting it in the coming days as we make software improvements and add more hardware to Jita.

  • An Auto-Move feature has been added to the login process. If you are trying to log into a system that currently has more people in it than the dynamic cap (see above), you will be given the option of moving yourself to a neighbouring system.


World Shaping

  • 3 new jumps have been added around Jita:

  • Muvolailen - Maurasi

  • Maurasi - Perimeter

  • Veisto - Sarekuwa


Science & Industry

  • Added a show all check box to the reprocessing dialog. This will allow the toggling of showing all items in your hanger in the reprocessing window or just those you selected.

User Interface

  • The services button has been hidden on the Neocom. It will show up once a service is configured via right clicking on the Neocom.


Corporation & Alliance

  • Corrected some exceptions being caused by the sanctionable actions list. Neither the error or the fix cause a visible problem. Additionally, the code has been optimized for better performance.

    Graphics Premium

    • The Stabber Fleet Issue model was not cloaking correctly or was simply not displaying. The model has been fixed and now displays correctly.

    User Interface

    • The decorations tab was not being displayed on the show info of a militia member. This has been corrected.

    • Having multiple windows set to be in the top right hand corner of the screen could prevent a character from logging in. This has been corrected.

    • The star map popup button (for switching between system, solarsystem and starmap) will now relocate surrounding windows correctly.

    • In certain solar systems, the list of asteroid belts was not being sorted correctly. This problem has now be resolved.

    • Fixed an error where closing the scanner window or changing tabs during a scan would cause no results to be displayed.

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • Reinstating missing right click options in the chat system, such as the "Copy URL" option

    • Modifying the default location of the ships and items tabs and the chat channels. In the default position they would overlap somewhat.

    • In a channel you are a member of and is part of a stack has its password changed, it would prevent chat channels loading correctly. This has now been fixed.


    • Added a missing translation when a CEO is trying to enlist himself in Factional Warfare in the German client.

    • Corrected some Italian translations in the tutorial.


    • "Containerlog.xml.aspx" is now returning the correct data. This fix relates to the container log previously returning a general error.